Devil's Weakness

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"One way or another, Maze, I am gonna change your mind, so. You're going to help me get Lucifer or Azazel back to Hell." Amenadiel says to her before hearing Ruth growl after hearing his master's name. "Don't make it painful."

"You forget. I love pain." Maze laughs before calling her blade back to her from the wall. Maze and Amenadiel began fighting as Ruth watched from the couch he was on. Upon seeing Maze being thrown to the ground, Ruth stood up and jumped Amenadiel, biting his arm in the process before being thrown to the side.

Hearing Ruth's whimper, Maze stood up and resume fighting Amenadiel. The fight soon ended with Amenadiel pinning Maze to a wall.

"Enough!" Amenadiel shouts at her. "You know, we want the same thing."

"Do we? Let's see." Maze says before licking Amenadiel's face causing him to let go of her and back away. "Uh-oh. Did I hit a nerve?"

"Mazikeen, we both know that something had fundamentally changed in Lucifer. Aren't you a bit concerned." Amenadiel says before Maze spoke.

"No. It's a phase. It'll past." Maze answers before being pushed back to the wall. After finishing up their chat, Amenadiel finally left and Maze sat over to one of the nearby couches. She soon heard a whine and small steps coming over to her. Turning her head, Maze sees Ruth whimpering as he laid by her feet. Maze pats his head, soothing him from his pain caused by Amenadiel.


"What happened to you, bud?" Azazel asked kneeling down to his four-legged friend. A whine was all he received along with a head laying down on his knee along with two brown eyes filled with sadness. "Aww... It's all right, Ruth... I've got you a present." Azazel reached into his jacket and pulled out a stuffed pig.

Sitting straight up, Ruth whines in happiness upon seeing his new toy. A big smile paints his face as Azazel scratches his neck and give it to him. The two soon heads up to Lucifer's home. "Luci, I'm here."

"Just stay out there. I'm having a bit trouble of what to wear." Lucifer calls back to him. Rubbing his head, Azazel head over to the couch and lays down to wait for his older brother. Ruth on the other hand; instead of staying on the floor, Ruth with his stuffed pig in his mouth gets on the couch and lays on top of Azazel's chest.

After awhile Chloe came up to the penthouse and called out for Lucifer while not noticing Azazel and Ruth on laying on the couch. "Be there in a moment just getting ready," Lucifer calls back.

"Hey... Uh. Did you do what I told you to do and call Carver about the Player's Club?" Chloe asked looking around the dark penthouse to see Lucifer's brother napping on the couch with an arm over his eyes.

"Make yourself a drink, detective," Lucifer tells her as he was still not ready. Ruth's head lifts up and turns to the detective in an annoyed manner. "No. No. No more drink, no more blur lines, no more breaking into my house or trying to sleep with me." Chloe says, looking away from Ruth's gaze as Lucifer walks over.

"Look this a professional relationship. I'm a police officer and you-" Chloe pauses after turning around to a naked Lucifer. "-are naked." She quickly turns around to avoid looking at Lucifer's naked body.

"Oh. You're speaking of my surprise visit yesterday, I decided a turnabout's pet activity, sort of thing." Lucifer explains before turning to his napping brother. "And I see Azazel's inability to stay awake while waiting can never be changed."

Ruth raises his eyebrows at Lucifer before turning away and laying his head back down on Azazel's shoulder. "This is beyond inappropriate," Chloe tells him.

"I know. Azazel should be able to stay awake longer since he stays home most of the time." Lucifer says as Chloe facepalms herself. "No. Not him. You, Lucifer." She informs him.

Lucifer's BrotherHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin