General Arturius of the Roman Legions

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AN: As you can tell, I have almost completely disregarded time periods but there is uncertainty about when Arthur ruled and if he was real.

Her name was taken away, a Roman name given to her. Arturius trained hard, being sent to the battle field at age six. She was unmatched in her riding skills and her swordsmanship, already becoming a legend to the legion she served with. They were sent to fight the Greek armies, a young Achilles fighting for the Greeks. The battle was long, arrows falling like rain from the sky. Swords clashing and lives lost on both sides. It just seemed to continue to go on for days and days on end, murmurs of a child fighting spreading faster than fire. Through all of the fighting and bloodshed, the child fought without ceasing and ignored her injuries. She fought to survive for the future of her people, refusing to give up even as the soldiers around her died. The Greeks became frightened of the child who fought as if Ares was by her side. They withdrew for the gods had blessed this child. Achilles prayed to Zeus that he would never fight this child whose destiny would outshine even the sun.

Arturius became a general the day after the battle's end for her bravery. She continued to fight nonstop, her men loyal to their leader. She was like an untouchable god as she went where she was sent, counting down the years and days until she would be freed from the Romans. Her reputation spread across all of Europe, legends and tales of her great deeds popping up everywhere. She was known for her fairness and kindness, sparing lives as much as possible. She never took prisoners, fought with an honor rarely seen, and her armor was that of her homeland. She never looked like the Roman they claimed her to be but never hated anyone. She somehow remained a knight even in the hardest of situations. She was respected and feared for she never used the ways of the Romans, known wherever she went. Her crown symbolized hope across the lands.

She was fifteen when she was captured by Greek soldiers, having served ten years of the fourteen required. She was bound and thrown at the feet of Achilles. She looked him in the eye, not afraid of whatever fate would befall her for she was a servant of Fate. Achilles had never seen such a look.

"Why does a child fight a man's war and ignore the style of their people?" Achilles asked a question many had wondered.

"I am no Roman nor am I a child. I am Arthur Pendragon of Britannia, a king and a servant of my people. I willingly left my lands so that more would not be forcefully taken to fight in the meaningless and never ending war of the Romans. I am a general for the Romans but wish to free my people and lands from their influence and tyranny. I safeguard the hopes and dreams of my people and have sworn to return to them in four years time. Kill me here or return me to those you fight, I care not which for death awaits me either way." Arthur's emerald eyes sparkled with age beyond her years and a fierce flame of passion that caused Achilles unease. This child was truly blessed by the gods, Achilles decided. He raised his spear, watching her reaction. No plea for mercy or flinching, just acceptance was all he saw. She closed her eyes, awaiting death. Achilles slammed the butt of the spear into the side of her head, knocking her out.
"Who would willingly walk the path this child does? May Zeus be my witness, I swear upon the River Strax that I will never kill this noble and heroic spirit. Let him fulfill his destiny that he may follow the path he wishes." Achilles murmured as she was taken back to her legion.
Arturia woke in her tent, one of her men guarding her. She slowly closed her eyes and allowed sleep to consume her. It was the first time she slept peacefully in ten or so years.

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