20 Will the nightmares ever stop?

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I sit on the couch in front of the huge flat-screen TV watching this amazing show called "Supernatural". As I watch as Dean gets arrested yet again Bucky comes and sits next to me. 

"What are you watching?" He asks 

"Supernatural." I answer

"I think its time to watch something different" say tony sitting down and reaching for the remote. He changes to the channel to an action movie. 

 "Hey! I was watching that!" I protested.

"Not anymore." He said with a grin.

I jump up and tackle him. He keeps the remote just out of my reach. He looks past me. 

"Clint catch!" He throws the remote. 

Clint look at the remote then looks at me and at the remote again and one more time at me. I get ready to run at Clint but something wraps around my waist keeping me in place. I look down and see two arms but one of them is metal. I look behind me and see Bucky. 

"Let's just watch this. Your show is saved" He said quietly. 

"Fine." I slip out of Bucky's arm. Though apart of me wanted to stay there. 

We all sit around at watch the action movie that Tony put on. What movie you might ask. Wonder woman.

After the movie we all went our separate ways to bed. 

I walk into my room with Bucky following close by.

"I'm going to take a shower." I say to him.


After I got out of the shower I crawled into bed next to Bucky and quickley fell asleep. Only I wish I haden't.

I stand in a room with my arms tied behind me and two men on either side of me. I glare at the man at the other end of the room. I couldn't see his face but he was tall and had blond hair.

"Glad you could join us ms. Solano ... or is it Agent Solano." His thick German accent spoke out.

"Why am I here I don't have anything, because of Hydra I lost everything!" I screamed at the man.

"Now now Agent there is no need for that. We chose you for a reason and we need you to cooporate with us."

"And why would I do that?"

The man turned. His icey eyes stare into my brown ones. The scar on his face ran from his top right eyebrow down to just under the right of his lip but, that wasen't the most disturbing part. The disturbing part was the smirk on his lips.

"Because from now till the day you die your life will be a living hell." He looked at the men and nodded.

The two men grabbed both of my arm and made sure I couldn't fight or move and they dragged me out of the room. As they dragged me down themany halls I try and remember the turns we make in hope that I can escape. When the men finally stop it was to throw me into a cell. I hit my head on the wall that they threw me and all I saw was darkness.

I woke gasping and in a cold sweat. I look at Bucky hopping that I didn't wake him but, to no suprise he was sitting up staring at me with worry.

"You had a nightmare again?" He asks quietly.

I loook away.


I nod not able to look at Bucky.

"What was it?"

I shake my head side to side not wanting to talk about it.

"Erin. Look at me."

I slowly turn my head to look at him. He pulls me into his arms and hugs me tightly. I respond by wrapping my arms around him.

"James?" I say into his chest.


"Will the nightmares ever stop?"

He didn't answer for awhile. then he finally said "I don't know."

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