22 Bucky!!!

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I lay there for the rest of the night unable to get any sleep. I have come acustom to Bucky being next to me.

As the sun finally came out of its hidding I crawl out of bed and walk into the kitchen. Steve was already there making breakfest.

"Goodmorning, Shel." He says without looking up from his pancakes.

"'morning." I mumble.

"You want some breakfeast?"

I nod.

As I sit there eating my pancakes as the Avengers slowly wake up and come to the kitchen due to the smell to Caps cooking.

"On of the baest thing about liveing with Cap is you always wake up to a good breakfest." Tony mumbles with a mouth-full of pancakes.

I look around the room and don't see Bucky.

"Steve have you seen Bucky?" I ask.

"Yeah, he said he was going for a run this morning."

"Okay." I say standing up and going to my room.

I change into some running clothes. I grab my knife and sheath and attached it to my upper thigh right under my shorts.

I walk to the elevator hoping no one wouuld notice me leave. To my suprise no one paid me any attention.

Once I was out of the building I went to search for Bucky. I ran to a nearby park, no Bucky. A small coffee shop, no Bucky.

Maybe he went back to the base. I thought as I turn to go back to the Avengers base

As i jog back to the avengers base, sweat beading down my forehead, I glanced up and saw a brief shadow. "Bucky?" I followed what I thought to be him and went around the corner only to see a sight I never would have imagined.

Bucky was fighting six men from Hydra all by himself. I was frozen until my instincts kicked in and I sprinted to go help him. "Bucky!" I shouted at him, making him look up. In the brief moment he did, a man slammed his gun into the back of his head, making him drop to the ground, dazed.

I gasped and ran as fast as I could, but my feet would not take me fast enough. I lit a spark in my hand and threw the fire at the men. One of them was engulfed in flames as the others were barely scathed. Realizing the danger they were in, they quickly hurled Bucky over their soldiers and fled the scene. "Bucky!!" My voice cracked as I attempted to throw another fireball but they reached their vehicle before any of them were hurt. I cursed under my breath, overcome with rage. I sprinted towards the car, extending my hand but the car sped away.

I was panting as I ran down the road, still chasing after the car. Even after I couldn't see it, I was still running, mumbling under my breath. "Please ..." I gasped. "Come back ..." My feet gave out from under me and my knees buckled. "Bucky ..." Tears streamed down my eyes, as I realized that once again, I lost him.

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