2 Memories

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"Yeah I would shoot me too." Said Steve "I did alot of stupid stuff."

I raised my brow "Alot is an understatment." 

"No kidding." Said Sam 

I loked at Bucky "What are we going to do about him?" 

"Thaw him out?" Suggested Sam

"That might work but how? Shel, Do you have any ideas on how to do that." 


Steve and Sam both stared at me.


They kept staring then I let out a sigh "I'll get some warm towels." I said walking into the kitchen.

After I left the livingroom I heard Sam talking to Steve.

"Why do you call her Shel if her name is Erin?" Asked Sam 

"I was something Bucky came up with. When we first met her she was wearing a shell necklace and she didn't tell us her name so Bucky called her Shel and it stuck even after she told us her name was Erin. To be honest I think Bucky took a liking to her. They would've probley gotten together if it wasn't for the war and the fact that she was sixteen."

I thought about what Steve had said. Would me and Bucky have gotten together if it wasn't for the war and our age diffrence? I'm not gonna lie I did have feeling for Bucky. Do I still have those feelings for him? Or has he ever had feelings for me? I remember the first time I saw him.


I was walking down the streets of Brooklyn looking at the building when I heard some noise coming from the ally. I walked to the ally to see two boys getting beat up.

One of the boys was small with blond hair and blue eyes. The other one was a little taller with dark hair and blue eyes as well. I walked down the ally to them and yelled.


The boys that were beating up the two boys looked at me. 

I loked at the two boy, the taller one was staring intently at me. "Why are you beating on my little brother?" I said to the bullies.

"They are your brothers?" one said.

"Yeah one. Why are you beating him up?"

"Because we can. Now why don't you go doll so you don't have to see your brother getting beat up."

"Um...let me think about that...No he's my little brother and my mom told me to take care of him so..."

He walked up to me staring me in the eyes as if see if I was lying. Not finding anything he looked back at his group. 

"Let's get out of here they aren't worth our time." He shouted.

The group left leaving me with the two beat up boys. I walked up to them helping them off the ground. The dark haired boy (Who was several inches taller than me) smiled at me. 

"James Buchanan Barnes." He said holding his hand out for me to shake.

Me being me I ignored his hand and reached out to touch the open cut on his head. He winced and I withdrew my hand. 

"You didn't have to do that." Said the shorter boy

I looked at him "From how you look I think I kinda did." 

"Steve she just save your butt." Said James.

I shook my head and chuckled. "Boys can never admit when they need help."

I noticed it was getting dark and I had to go. Howard needed my help like an hour ago. I looked at the two boys.

"I got to go nice meeting you both and do me a favor quite going and looking for trouble." I said walking away. 

End of Flashback.

Later I found out that Steve was to candidate for the Super Soldier project and I was there when they did the prosidure and I was there for all of the Captain America missions from going to get Bucky to when Steve nose dived into the Artic. 

I walk into the living room with a bunch of warm towels and handed them to Steve. He took them and laid the on Bucky's cold skin.

"Do you two want some coffee?" I asked Sam and Steve.

The both nodded. 

I walked back into the kitchen to get them some coffee. When I returned the took the cups and drank it happily.  

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