5 Challenge

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"What should we do?" Asked Sam 

"This house has a training room." I said.

Sam stared at me "Really?"


"Lets go!" Said Sam walking somewhere.

"Uh... Sam it's this way." I said pointing to the stairs. 

Sam paused "I knew that"

I walked up the stairs. As I walked down the hallway I felt as if someone was watching me. Ignored it. For a bit. I lead them to a lite blue door. I slowly opened it to revile a huge training room. I one corner were some punching bags. While in another corner there was a target rang. In another one was a olympic sized swimming pool. In the last corner had all the equipment. In the middle was a spot for combat. The boys were surprised. 

"Pick a weapons from over there" I said pointing to the equipment corner "and do what you want just don't kill each other."

Steve went to the punching bags and Sam went a got a small hand-gun and went to the target range. 

I looked at Bucky and he was looking around not quite looking comfortable. He looked so lost. I wanted to help him but I didn't know how. How can I help someone find them self when I can't find my own self. So I did something I wouldn't normally do.

"I bet I can beat you in hand-to-hand combat." I said.

He looked at me. 

I had a smirk on my face.

"Your on."He said 

We walked to the center of the room pulling my chocolate hair into a ponytail. Me and Bucky walked into the large circle in the middle. We got into fighting positions. 

"No rules, and don't worry doll about hurting me." I said with a smirk.

Bucky glared at me and crouched down getting ready for a fight. I put my hand in front of my face. Buck was looking me up and down trying to find any weakness. I watched at his metal hand clenched and unclenched. I watched as his feet shift slightly. 

He swung his fist to hit me in the head but I saw it coming and ducked throwing a punch of my own in to his gut. He didn't flinch. I stood wide eyed at him.

No fair!  I thought

He saw my distraction and threw another punch this one landing on my jaw. I groaned in pain as I pulled myself off the ground. I looked at him he looks worried. I smirked and jumped up and kicked him in the chest pushing off of him backflipping and landing a few feet away. He fell to the ground stared at me with wide eyes.

I smirked and motioned for him to came and attack. I stood and attacked. I kicked at him and he caught my foot and twisted. I fell face first onto the ground. I groaned in pain once again. He started walking towards me and I swept my legs under his making him fall to the ground.

I stood and walked over to him admiring my work in defeating him but apparently he had other ideas. He grabbed my legs and pulled them out from under me making me fall once again. He rolled on top of me with a knife at my throat. 

Well I did say no rules I thought Me and my big fat mouth. 

There is one thing you should know about me, I don't know when to quite. 

Bucky smirked at me holding the knife harder to my throat. "Surrender?" He asked 


I grabbed the wrist that was holding the knife, which happened to be his metal one just my luck, and twisted and failing horribly. He laughed. Bucky laughed for the first time since he got here. His laugh was so... so... I don't know how to describe it. It sent tingles down my spine.

He leaned forward and whispered in my ear. "Give up or does you pride still get the better of you?" 

Of course I had to do something stupid. What I did you might ask? I head butted him. Hard. He rolled to the side holding his head. I grabbed the knife he dropped and stood. He looked at me. 

"Dirty move Shel."

I shrugged "What can I say. You gotta win somehow."

He stood and walked after me. When he got close enough he threw punch after punch at me and I blocked them. With every punch he threw he would take a step forward and with every block I took a step back. At least until my back was up against the wall. 

Bucky pressed his arm to my throat. Not enough to choke me but enough to keep me there. We were both out of breath. His warm breath fanning my face. Our faces were so close I for some reason to close the gap between us. 

We heard someone clear their throat behind Bucky. We both looked and saw Sam and Steve standing there in aw. I then realized the position we were in and Bucky stepped away. 

"I think that fight was a draw." Said Steve.

"If you waited icesicle there might of gotten some." Said Sam

I felt a blush creep up to my cheeks as Bucky glared at Sam. 

"Shel where did you learn to fight like that?"

"Some from boot camp and some from other places." 

"You are good. You almost beat him." Said Sam. 

"Yeah" was all I said.

"Come on let's get some lunch."Said Steve

Sam and Steve walked out of the training room. Bucky started walking out then turned and looked at me. I touched my jaw feeling a bruise forming. I winced. He walked up to me a gently set his hand on my jaw trying not to hit it.

"I'm sorry." He whispered 

I looked him in the eyes. His soft blue eyes staring back. I saw something in his eyes. Brokenness he's been broken. At that moment I wanted nothing more then to help him. I wanted to put his broken pieces back together. I wanted the James I knew before, but I knew I wouldn't get that. I wanted a lot of things. I wanted my life back, my old life but I would never get that.

"It's fine I've had worse, I was in the air-force."I said. I saw a bruise on his forehead where I head butted him. I reach up to touch it gently. "Sorry about your head."

Bucky gently ran his thumb along my cheek and I leaned into his hand. He started to lean forward. Our lips were about to touch when Sam yelled.

"You two coming or not?" 

Bucky pulled away. We both glared at him.

"I'm really starting to hate him." I whispered.

Bucky looked at me and started laughing.

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