1 Rogers Ima gonna shoot ya!

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I was sitting on my couch thinking about life when there was a knock on the door. It was about two in the morning so I wasn't expecting anyone. There was a knock again, I reached for my hand-gun on my coffee table and cautiously walked to my front door. I held my gun in my right hand as I slowly reached for the doorknob. I opened the door and pointed the gun at a person I didn't think I would ever see again.

"Rogers?! What the frack?" I yelled 

"Shel we need a place to hide out for a bit." He said 

I looked behind him to see Sam Wilson aka the Falcon. 

"After 70 years you finally come and find me."

"Shel don't be like that."

I moved out of the door way to let him and Sam in. Sam was dragging a big black bag. Once I closed door Sam dropped the bag with a loud thump. He turned to me.

"Sam Wilson." He said holding his hand out for me to shake.

"Erin Solano" I said shaking his hand.

I turned to Steve and started glaring at him. He flinched under my gaze.

"Shel don't do that." Said Steve "You know you scare me so no reason to scare me more."

"Seventy year since we last saw each other and the last time I saw you you were nose diving a plane into the Artic!" I yelled 

"Shel I'm sorry! I didn't know you were alive till about a year ago." He said 

"Still you could of come and talked to me a year ago!"

"Wait you were alive when Steve was in World War 2?" Asked Sam 

"Um.... Ya." 

"But how You only look 20 not 90."

"I really don't know how this happened. I remember being killed in the war and then 8 years ago I just woke up still looking 16 like I was then."


"I don't know. I really don't know." I looked at the bag that Sam dragged in "Whats in the bag?"

Steve and Sam looked at each other then Steve pulled the bag up and set it on the couch and pulled the bag away to revile a man. He had shoulder length dark hair he looked to be sleeping besides the frost that lingers in his hair. The man looked very familiar. Then it hit me like a truck.

"James." I whispered

I looked at Steve and he looked back worried. As if wondering if I gonna kill him.

"How?" Was all I said.

Steve and Sam told me everything that has happened to them since the Avengers were created. (A/N bc I'm to lazy to write it out) 

"...and the me and Sam kind of stole Bucky from cryo and know we are here." Said Steve.

"Rogers Ima gonna shoot ya!" Was all I said.

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