07 | Conversations

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●○○ Have you ever laid in bed at night? And thought about everything? Wanting to scream and cry but don't want to wake anyone. Instead you just sit there and the pain just breaks inside of you. ○○●


SHE TOOK A STEP BACK. Sweat was pouring out from her temples and her hands were shaking as she put her gaze down to the ground and closed her eyes tight. She could feel her heart sinking. The sound of his steps from the back came closer and closer. Why is he coming towards me?? No please no. Go away. She started walking to the counter, taking the pile of items she collected for the costumer. She came to the counter and gave those items to the lady and thanked her. As soon as she turned around to keep the money in the cash drawer, he came up and said, "Excuse me, ma'am?"

With trembling voice and shaking hands she responded. "Y-yes?". "I've never been around here too much, but I came here last week and I think I forgot my notebook here, you're from the same school right? Have you seen it?". She had almost forgotten about it, but as soon as he asked it she spoke rapidly. "I gave it to my class teacher and I hope he'll know you and return it as fast as he could. Thank you." She returned to the counter and continued her work. "Umm..now I don't know who's your class teacher, would you mind telling me his name?". "Professor Luke Xavier", she said not looking in his direction and keeping on with her work. "Thank you", saying this he left. She sighed heavily and thanked God that he left or else she had fainted just there.

She returned home safely. It had been a busy day and she had gotten no time to relax so she thought of taking a nap before she could indulge in chores that her apartment demanded. As time was passing, by what her life had taught her by now, she had become strong and independent. She was fine by living like this, maybe this is what nature had wanted. She had accepted it as her only fate. She knew she would have no soulmate and would be left alone forever but she didn't have the guts to end her life too. Who would ever live with someone who is sick? And actually sick of nothing concrete but something abstract. Sick of the world? Maybe. What's the point of living then? She had thought about it multiple times but just couldn't end her life. Remembering some bitter memories from her mother's funeral where just some people arrived and never understood what she felt, she couldn't just die!

"Excuse me, are you Felisha?", her class teacher stood in front of her. "Yes, sir", she responded with her head down. "This notebook is Avan's and he's not coming to school for two days so you might hand him this yourself." "Okay, sir." She replied and came out of the staff room, sighing heavily. Now she had to give the notebook back to that guy and what would she do, she'll have to wait at the grocery store. When it was almost two days and he hadn't shown up she gave up waiting for him. She was walking down the street to her home one Wednesday evening, when she thought to throw it in the garbage can. The air that evening was still as if it knew. The can was clean, more tidy than her locker. She took out the notebook, and made a disgusting face -

"Hey, Felisha!"

He said, with his hazel eyes staring directly into hers. Her eyes widened. No, she cannot hide anymore, she has to respond.
Thoughts ~


"So you have my notebook and I've been searching it all over the world." Avan said with such excitement.

"Y-yes I have it, I mean I didn't steal it, I mean it was there in the grocery store and I took it from there and gave it to my class teacher but you weren't coming to school so he gave it back but you weren't even coming to the grocery store too so I was just going to throw it now..", she said in one flow.

"Yeah! Okay, okay! Relax. It's okay. Just give it to me."

She handed him the notebook.

He sighed.

"Thank God!, by the way I'm Avan, your soulmate!", he said with cheerful voice and smiling eyes.


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