//The Next Day//

The two had been questioned and had been cleared for the most part. They were at least allowed to visit there's friends as long they were escorted by policemen. They swiftly head over there and once reaching the large building they make their way up to the sixteenth floor.

Knocking on the door they're immediately pulled in by Jin, who shuts the door behind them, leaving the policemen outside.

"They're all in here, they're just resting."

The dark room was enlightened by three small lamps on the nightstands beside the three injured, giving off a warm glowy gold.

Namjoon made his way down to Hoseok while Jimin to Yoongi.

"Oh god."

He gasped, cupping Yoongi's hand.

The injured teen slumbered peacefully, medical bandage wrapped around his head.

"I'm so sorry."

Jimin hiccuped, large salty tears rolling down his cheeks.

"My selfishness go you three into this. I-I-"

"Jimin. It's not your fault."

A warm hand pats him behind his back, turning to see Jin standing there with a relaxed expression.


"You did the right thing. Imagine if we postponed this days, weeks, or months. For all we know your mother and Jihyun could've.....i'm glad we did this."

Jimin thanked Jin for his wise words, feeling Yoongi stir.

"Jungkook is down at the cafeteria, he's not doing so good. He broke down when he saw Taehyung, we should go check up on him."

Jin beckons Namjoon to join him, the two leaving the room. The room was quiet, the slow and steady breathing of his friends were accompanied with the dials of the monitors.

"Jee- mean....."

Jimin whips around to see Yoongi muttering, his eyelashes fluttering in distress.

"Shhh, i'm here."

He ushers.

He watches Yoongi stir even more, his eye slowly opening.

"Hu..h, w...where-"

Before he could finish his sentence he was tackled into a strong embrace, Jimin now sobbing in pure joy.

"Jimin? Why are you crying?"

Yoongi felt his dress gown soak up the boys wet tears, feeling grateful to have him safely in his arms.

"I wish I could've protected-"

"N-No. Shut up, i'm glad you guys are alive."

Jimin said between heavy breaths.

The other three came into the room, rushing to join the two.

"You're awake."

Jungkook softly smiles, yet it didn't reach his eyes. He was clearly happy to see his friend doing well but his heart ached because he didn't have enough courage to run into the house to help. If only he went in with them, maybe it wouldn't have made a difference but to him he wished he was there when his friends needed him the most.

"I'm sorry..."

Jungkook whispered, tears spilling out of his eyes.

"Woah? No, you have nothing to apologize for-"

Jin was hastedly cut off.

"If only I was there. The only time you guys needed me, I let my cowardness get in the way and look where it brung you guys."

He sobbed into his hands, his friends pulling him into a hug.

"You did an amazing job. You gave us enough time to save Jimin's family, you dialed nine one one, helped carry your injured friends to recieve medical attention, you did so much for us."

Everyone agreed, the crying stopped and there were no more tears left to cry.

"We have court session next week. All of us."

Jin muttered under his breath, everyone eyeing each other with worrisome looks.

"You don't think Namjoon would be sentenced to prison, do you?"

Jimin panics.

"We'll see."

Is all Namjoon could manage to say.

Update: I literally don't know why people are excited over John and Mark. They're just basic names I thought of.

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