Chapter 4

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"She did what!?" Asked Clyde.

"How many times do I have to repeat myself?"

"For the people that just came from chapter 3 who needs a refresher,"

"Whatever Clyde. What I said was, I took Marjorine into my room, tried to sleep with her, she was insecure about her bush, and kiss me on the lips and left,"

"Woah, no one ever kissed you on the lips before," said Craig.

"You're like the male version of Pretty Woman except you're the pimp living in a rich ass apartment," said Token.

"And, I thought I was gonna be the tryouts person this time?" Said Clyde.

"Who the fuck said that, Kenny's always the recruiter and tryouts person," said Craig.

"Guys that's not the point. The point is, I think Marjorine likes me something... I don't know." I started blushing a little.
Clyde gasped. Oh no.




"Clyde! Chill! Sure, Marjorine is cute for someone who doesn't have much... how do you say this... meat in the right places. But I don't like her like that,"

"Whatever dude. You know the rules. You can't date any, and I mean any, of the girls unless you fired them. But for now, I'm going home, Nichole thinks I'm out with you guys bowling,"

"I mean we can... just me and you Token~" asked Clyde.


"Come on~ it doesn't have to be bowling balls if you know what I mean~"

"I'm leaving now," said Token, walking out the room and the apartment, Clyde following.

"Good luck with the new girl Ken," said Craig. Both Tweek and Craig left the apartment building leaving me alone with my thoughts.

"Yeah thanks..."
Fuck what ever feelings I have for anyone. They'll be gone tomorrow.


I snuck back into the dorms, trying not to be loud and noticeable. It was really late when I got back. I guess I lost track of time.
Once I made it back into me and Kyle's room, I see Kyle and Wendy sitting there when I turn on the light. They look mad.

"You want to explain to me why you have the flyer of Kenny's 'modeling' in your room?" Said Wendy, holding up the flyer.

"Uhh, um. I- I may or may not have grabbed it and dressed as a girl to join his modeling thing..."

"The thing was a trap Butters! It's for prostitution! And Wendy gave you a warning and you didn't listen!" Yelled Kyle.

"Shoosh, keep your voice down!" I whispered yelled.

"I know I lied, and I'm sorry. But I didn't care if it was modeling, prostitution, or just fucking working for Ben & Jerry's, I want to be with Kenny and that's all."

"Oh yeah, then what did he say about the worm in your pants once tryouts was over?"

"W- We didn't have tryouts. I told him I was insecure about my hair down there, and that we should do it next time."
Both Kyle and Wendy sighed in relief.

"And then I kissed him on the lips and walked out the apartment."
Wendy gasped.

"You're not suppose to fucking do that!?"

"Why not?" Both me and Kyle said in unison.

"Because he never got kissed on the lips ever in his life. We don't know why, non of the girls no why, not even the guys that work for him know why. All we know is that no one kiss Kenny on the lips. And you doing that, probably made him mad. Who knows."
I started shaking.

"I- I'm his first kiss,"

"Probably so,"

"I'M HIS FIRST KISS! HAHA!" Someone banged on the wall next to us.


"Sorry!" I apologized.

"Right, you're no longer allowed to go there anymore," said Wendy. Kyle nod in agreement. I wanted to cry but instead I just walked to bed. I am not giving up on this!


The next day, after all my classes was over. I snuck out of the dorm rooms and changed in the family bathroom close to us. I went in as Butters and came out as Marjorine. Before anyone could see me I went on the bus to Kenny's apartment.


I didn't get any sleep! I was up all night thinking about Marjorine. Or should I say Mars. I heard a knock on the door.


"AND IF IT ISN'T!" One of them yelled back.

"I DON'T FUCKING KNOW. GRAB A FUCKING REVOLVER AND SHOOT THEM, GOD DAMN GROW SOME TITS!" I heard the door open and I heard Mars at the door. I got up and put on a shirt and pants.



When I walked into the apartment, I saw Red, Heidi, and Bebe sitting on the couch either filing their nails or reading.

"What's your name girl?" Asked Bebe.

"My name is Marjorine, but the guys nicknamed me to Mars,"

"Cool. The red head is name Red, the dirty blonde is Heidi, and I'm Bebe,"

"Nice to meet you all."
The girls rolled their eyes.

"Yeah," said Bebe lighting a cigar.

"You smoke?" She asked.


"Well, bitch you better learn," the girls laughed at Heidi's remark.


"Because once you're done sleeping with a guy, you want to get the taste of dick out your mouth," said Bebe.

"Why can't I just use mouth wash?"
The girls laughed more.

"Do you just have mouth wash randomly in your pocket? Here, take this."
Bebe handed me the pack of cigarettes.

"Take one out bitch, light it up," she said, throwing me a lighter.
I put the cigarette in my mouth and lit it with the lighter. I started coughing from the overwhelming toxic smoke going into my lungs. The girls laughed.

"Keep it up Mars and you'll get use to it," said Red.


All the girls sat down on the cough listening to Kenny's orders.

"I want you sluts to treat Mars with respect like you treat each other,"

"Who said we respect each other?" Said Bebe.

"Say that again to my face bitch!" Said Heidi.

"Shut up! I mean it! I'm not losing another girl because of you hoes. If she leaves then you guys aren't getting paid for a month,"

"Lame," complained one of the girls.

"Now, you girls know your routes, go to them. Mars, I need to show you where your gonna be."
The girls put out their cigarettes and left out the apartment. Kenny sat next to me and showed me a piece of paper.

"This is where you'll stand. I want to warn you now, because you're a bit younger then some of the girls the guys are gonna come after you more. Don't be intimidated and if you see a cop car run. Get it, got it, good."
He pushed me up out of my seat and smack me on the butt to leave like I was a horse.

I guess it's officially my first day of being a prostitute. What could go wrong?

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