Secret Admirer ~

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not specifically going to say who is the secret admirer until the end <3 

I sighed entering school, I wasn't how do I put this, liked? in all honesty I never really tried making friends, I didn't grow up with these kids, I only moved here about a month ago so I haven't had time to make friends though I did talk to a few people in my class but that was only talk about work.

the cool wind blew against the back of my legs as I walked into the front of the school quickly gaining warmth as the doors closed behind me, making my way to my locker I passed by the few people who were already at school. quickly opening my locker a note fell out at first I didn't think much of it until I noticed a little heart on the front of it, picking it up I looked at it confused.

"what the fudge?" I questioned turning it around showing a few words written in a black pen, it read ' The first time I saw you I knew it was true ' and that was it, I frowned confused at the piece of paper flipping it back around, underneath the heart it read 'Secret Admirer' I smiled small before whispering "cute".

putting the letter back in my locker I grabbed my books for class early, so I could spend some time doing any homework I couldn't get done last night. Slowly as the morning went on people filed into the classroom, some people I have spoken to some I haven't said a word to in my life. 

A person I have had a conversation before that being a boy name Kenny came up to me, out of the corner of my eye I watched him as he smiled at me, slowly turning my head waiting for him to speak.

"Hey y/n, wacha doing?" he asked slightly leaning on my desk with his arms holding him up.

"just you know, homework" I showed him the books in front of my before looking back up at him, he had made a disgusted looking face before laughing a bit,

"really, well good luck with that, they boys just got here" he smiled before running off to be with his friends, 

I have only ever talked to another one of the boys he hangs around his name was Kyle, we would talk about class work alll the time I mean sitting next to him in every class did make it easy to be somewhat friends with him I guess.

I saw Kyle shoot me a smile and a wave from across the room where he was with Kenny, Eric and Stan, I smiled slightly and shyly waved back at him. Before I could even write another word Mr Garrison walks in looking kinda mad, ' another boring day' I sighed.

~Towelies Time Skip~

It was the end of the day, I was so ready to just head home, but of course Mr Garrison wanted to talk to me about my grade and telling me I don't have to come early, it was irritating what else am I meant to do in the mornings be with 'friends', yeah friends I don't have. I quickly made my way to my locker, opening it harshly which made a small piece of paper fly out and hit my forehead.

I quickly grabbed it before it could hit the ground, it was another one of those notes, "who the hell?" I questioned, who could be doing this, I barely know anyone hear, I flipped the paper over revealing different words to the last one, ' That I'd love you forever ' at this moment in time I feel like a person has been leaving these in the wrong locker, I just can't deal with this at the moment.

~The Next Day <3 ~

I rushed to my locker, I had been up all night trying to convince myself that this wasn't all directed at me, I'm not that I? oh well. I quickly slammed my locker open seeing a small note resting on the bottom, heart facing up, I quickly picked it up flipping it over to see more words, ' and thats what I'll do ' , "thats it?" I questioned this one was confusing, I put it together with the other two notes before heading to class, annoyed as balls.

during the day I had spent some time with Kyle, he had invited me to sit with him for Lunch which honestly was good fun except for Eric who keep annoying me and complaining to Kyle why I was there, it was also cool to finally talk to Stan, he wasn't what I expect to be honest. After lunch I had spent some time with Kenny helping him study for a test he had, it was fun we had laughed so hard we got kicked out of the study class.

The day slowly came to an end meaning I'd probably have another note waiting in my locker for me to read and put with the others. As I came to my locker I opened it seeing the note, I smiled happily, it was strange I enjoyed having something actually put effort into trying to communicate with me even if it was some sort of a love confession, quickly reading the note,        ' You don't Know what you do to me, You don't have a clue ' , it was strange normally the notes weren't this long, oh well must mean i'll meet my mystery person soon.

~Next Day, Closer to your Secret Admirers Reveal <3 ~

I was really late, I had missed first period due to sleeping in, I quickly rushed to my locker, grabbing the small note waiting for me and my books, I rushed into class quickly.

"sorry Mr Garrison, I overslept" I apologised ready for a detention.

"it's alright y/n go sit down, you study too much you deserve to sleep it once an a while" he spoke before continuing the lesson.

I quietly sit down, setting up my books, I grabbed the note flipping it over to read the words, ' You don't know what it's like to be me... ' , I smiled, these notes had been making my days at school worth it all, I quickly caught up on my work every once an a while smiling at the note on my desk.

the day went by fast, I could barely remember what happened in any of my classes I was preoccupied by the note that I kept forgetting to put in my locker. my final class had ended, I happily got up and went to my locker ready for another note, opening my locker I quickly grabbed the note, ' me looking at you ' that was it, I frowned before flipping it over a couple times before I heard a small cough, I turned to look behind me and there stood someone I would have never guessed.

there standing in front of me holding a single rose was non other then Kyle, I smiled softly walking up to him, "secret admirer huh" I asked taking the rose lightly and smelling it,

"haha yeah, I just didn't know how to tell you" he laughed a little, his face going red like a tomato, I giggled slightly,

"you're too sweet Kyle, you uh...wanna hang out?" I asked slightly blushing as well,

"like a date?" he asked a little shocked, I nodded happily before leaving with him off somewhere, I guess this is where my journey really begins in South Park.

Alrighty!!!! HEY HEY GUYS!, so sorry for not really having much dialogue, its 1 in the morning and I'm back a school again so ya I might write something either for this one shot book or one of my planned stories which will be anime characters x reader, I have thought about doing a Kenny x ready story but I don't know if it will work out how I want. Anyway, hope you like this one shot most people wanted Kyle so yeah, there will be a Kenny one shot coming either tomorrow or in a months time ya know cause I dong update regularly <3

-Dino out! 

SouthPark x Reader Oneshots (HOLD)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin