Tomboy ~Wendy

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Someone Suggested Wendy x Tomboy!Reader and I'm not sure if this is what they wanted but here it is! for all those precious Bi girls or Lesbians reading <3 Hmu if you Gay! joking!!!

'She's so perfect, beautiful and strong, and I'm just one of they guys, well I mean I'm a girl but I hang out with the guys... and ever since I moved to this damned school, 4 months earlier, I've been having emotional problems, all this time I thought I was straight but then I started going to South Park high and now I'm just confused because of her, she was so pretty, every time I see her my heart flutters and I get butterflies, she's probably not into girls anyway, she's always around Stan a close friend of mine and I think she likes him.'

I huff at my inner thoughts as I chucked a snowball at the back of Eric's head, "hey fattass, why won't you just break it off with Heidi, you clearly don't won't to be with her" I glared at the idiot whose been playing with a girls feelings for the past week.

 "shut up Lesbo" he shot back glaring at me.

I stopped walking '' I thought "you bastard" I frowned before walking the opposite way.

"good one fat boy"

"yeah Cartman, that was low"

"hmm, hummph.."

"Aw jeez Eric" 

I walked away hearing the boys talk. I kept walking not really knowing where I was going, where ever it was it was way better then being with them, I need to think, I needed to be alone.

I ended up at Starks pond, I walked around for a bit finding the perfect tree to climb so I could think properly for once. I find a tree after a while and climbed it not really caring if I cut myself on a small branch of if my pants ripped at the knees more, I get to a nice spot in the tree looking down at my dirty cut up palms, "humph, just another issue waiting to happen" I sighed resting my head back and thinking.

'Am I really what Eric said, am I really a Lesbian or am I just Bi? I don't even know anymore, I just can't get her off my mind, Wendy was perfect, she was strong, she was smart and honestly so pretty, I should go see her maybe ask her out....NO STOP! she's straight right she's into guys' I sighed ' I have literally no chance' I looked down to see Wendy standing at the trunk of the tree looking up.

"Hey y/n!" she yelled, "Mind if I join you?" she asked, I shook my head, laughing a little at Wendy's attempts at trying to climb the tree.

"need some her?" I asked smiling as I held my hand out to her, she grabbed it tightly making my face go a little red, 'oh lord' I awkwardly smile as I helped her up to the branch I was sitting on.

"so whats up?" I asked looking at her as she looked off through the leaves.

"nothing really, I saw you here alone and thought I'd say hi" she smiled as she turned to me, "you looked kinda sad, what were you thinking about?" she asked with a small frown which quickly turned into wide eyes, "if you don't mind me asking that is" she put her hands up defensively and smiled a little awkwardly.

"oh I've just been thinking, ever since I've moved here, I've just had weird emotions for someone that shouldn't be normal right because.....because...they uh...-

female?" she asked sighing a little at the end, "I get it, its confusing right, like your taught that your supposed to marry a boy, have children and grow old with said boy" she smiled a little, "but thats not always the case right" she started to laugh a little.

"I mean yeah..." I smiled awkwardly 'her laugh is so cute' I watched her laugh as I smiled at her, "so uh, do you feel the same, the uh, liking the same gender thing?" I asked awkwardly, it was hard to talk to her she made me feel weird like butterflies were about to burst out of my stomach.

"I guess, but I still like boys ya know, like there is a girl I like but I still find boys attractive" she smiled at me, "what about you, is there a girl you like?" I nodded averting my eyes

"yeah, she's really cool" I smiled "I think I really like her, but this whole sexuality thing is confusing" I laugh a little "I think I might be gay or lesbian or whatever you'd call it" I laughed a little more.

"so this girl? do I know her?" she looked kinda sad asking the last question but quickly changed to a smile.

"yeah, quite well actually, but she's not who you'd expect" I smiled sweetly at her, "she's got amazing black hair, a cute pink hat" I looked away embarrassed.

"wha-what......y/ you like me?" she asked looking at me kinda shocked.

"well would ya look at the time, I should go!" I laughed awkwardly before making my way down the tree and walking away but Wendy followed.

"stop y/n" she spun me around quickly, "please answer me, do you like me" she looked kinda desperate like her life depended on the answer.

I sighed looking down, "yeah Wendy...I like you, like a lot, please don't hate me" I closed my eyes letting a few stray tears fall.

I heard a little giggle, "are you kidding, I would never hate you! hey wanna know a secret y/n?" I looked up and looked at her confused, "I like you too," she whispered before kissing my cheek and walking off.

"oh my god....." I whispered touching my face

"y/n!!" I heard yelled coming for my right, I turned to see the boys standing there all looking kinda shocked

"did you see that?" I asked as they nodded mouths open, "HAHA! SUCK IT STAN!!" I yelled dancing around, "I got the girl!" I smiled so bright 

'I finally got the girl of my dreams, and along the way I guess I figured out who I am and I've never felt better'


OOOOOF alright I'm alive, so there are probably suggestions I haven't done, so I'm going to go find them all and do them, it make take some time but I've decided to make a some what come back and this is it.

Life Update (you don't have to read unless ya want to)

I was gonna make a come back a few weeks ago but some things happened, 1) I got in a fight with my best friend which sucked because its only been fixed now, 2) My girlfriend broke up with me, so yeah apparently everything wasn't okay and now, I'm back to being my lonely gay self!  I'm kidding, after I was dumped so harshly (not really) it took a week to recover and I've start to put effort into potential relationships! YAY RECOVERY! Anyway thats it for now! ~DINO <3 

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