You're Chance?

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Chance skipped down the allies of Gotham with the bat held tightly in her hand as she hummed. She soon came to a stop outside go a building where loud music could be heard. Curiosity got the better of her as she walked over only to be stopped by a big guy in a nice jacket. "Oh he's a big...we can totally take him." Jerome said as he circled the guy and giggled to himself. "Well I was gonna go inside." she said looking at the sign above him that read the Celestial Gardens. The man in front of her just raised a brow. "I don't think so." he said as he began to push her away. "What are ya gonna do to stop me?" she asked with a laugh as she twirled her bat a little. Something in the man's mind clicked and his eyes widened. "You're Chance Todd." he said with surprise. "Bingo!" Chance said with a giggle and poked his nose, after a moment he grinned. "Follow me." he said as he led her through the crowded club and into what looked like a dressing room. "Jeri, this is Chance." the man said making a woman with very short blonde hair and reddish pink glasses turn away from the mirror. "My oh my look at you." the woman said as she walked over to Chance. This woman had a power and a confidence about her that Chance took an immediate liking to. "So you're Chance? You're smaller than I imagined." she said as she circled Chance almost like Jerome did to taunt or intimidate one of his "friends" but Jeri was far less intimidating. "Being small isn't a bad could be useful." Chance said as she turned to Jeri and played with her bat a little. "I uh...what's with all the blood?" she asked making Chance look down at the blood covered clothes. "It's hot." Jerome said as he jumped over the arm of one of the chairs and lounged in it. Chance blushed a little but it quickly faded as she looked up at Jeri. "We got some over due payback." Chance said as she played with her blonde hair. "Is that so?" Jeri asked with a skeptical look. "Yes it is...I promised my ginger I'd hurt Dumbo for him and I did hurt him...I beat him to the point he was begging for death." Chance said as she stepped up to Jeri and tightened her grip on the bat ready for a fight making the guard back up. Jerome got up and smiled as he hit the guy's shoulder. "Oh she's hot!" Jerome said while walking past the guard and standing near Chance. "I lover it when you get aggressive." he said putting his arms around her and kissing her neck. "You seem different from what we last saw of you." Jeri said as she moved away from Chance and told the guard to leave. "Of course I'm different now...I had to change....J isn't around anymore." Chance said sadly as Jerome looked at her. "Doll I'm right here." he said as he rubbed her arm. "I know J." she whispered looking up at him and putting her hand over his only to feel her own arm. Pain flashed in Chance's green eyes before quickly turning to rage as her grip on the bat tightened. "But because of him you aren't here with me! I can't feel you anymore!" Chance yelled as she smashed her bat into a nearby table repeatedly before she broke down into tears of frustration and anger. "Oh sweetie calm down." Jeri said putting her hand on Chance's shoulder and gently moving her away from the table. "Now we can't leave you wandering this city now can we?" Jeri said before going through a few drawers and pulled out some clothes. "Get changed kid, the folks out there would love to meet ya when you're up for it." Jeri said as she gave Chance the clothes then wiped away Chance's tears. "Cheer up... things are lookin up." She said as she left the room.

Chance's green eyes wandered the now empty room...not even Jerome was there with her. Slowly she got changed into the torn up black jeans, the red sneakers with 'HA HA' written on them, a red t-shirt, and hoodie that Jeri had left for her. She walked over and sat in front of the mirror but instead of her it was a stranger staring back. The blonde girl and Chance shared similarities but they weren't the same girl. The girl in the mirror no longer smiled and if she did it was a lie or short lived. "He wouldn't be happy...he loved my smile." she sighed to herself then looked down at the table full of makeup. Slowly Chance opened one of the containers and looked at it, inside was different colors of greasepaint, the type they used back at the circus. "Memory is so cruel Chance....but some of our memories put a smile on your better keep that smile." Jerome's voice said as it slowly faded away. Chance smiled slightly. "We always did love a good smile and a laugh." she said to herself as she put some red greasepaint on her fingers then looked in the mirror and drew on a smile.

"Just keep that smile..."

The orphan and the clown Jerome ValeskaWhere stories live. Discover now