Taehyung: Is there a problem Hobi hyung?

I stared at Sooyeon bluntly. She seems shock. Did she recognize me?

Me: I need to talk to Sooyeon alone. Follow me.

Lee Sooyeon's P.O.V

"Ehem" someone coughs.

We all looked at that person. I think it's....

Taehyung: Is there a problem Hobi hyung?

That Hobi guy stared at me. I seemed shock by his stare like his telling me something.

Hobi: I need to talk to Sooyeon alone. Follow me.

I just nodded and followed him. He led me to the back of the cafeteria.

Me:W-what do you w-want?

Jung Hoseok's P.O.V

Sooyeon: W-what do you w-want?

I guess I did scare her.
I guess she didn't recognize me.

Me: Do you not remember me?

She looks at me confused.

Me: Princess?

Lee Sooyeon's P.O.V

Hobi: Princess?

Princess? Could it be? No way!

Me: Sunshine oppa? Is that really you?

He just nods. Tears starting to form in our eyes.

Me: I finally found you. Did you know how much I missed you since you left? Ever since that day I promised myself to find you. So I traveled and studied here in Seoul hoping that I could find you. But now I did. I missed you so much oppa.

I started crying so hard.

Jung Hoseok's P.O.V

She recognized me.

She keeps on crying but I comforted her.

I missed her  so much.

I'm glad I found her too.

Me: Hey hey stop crying now princess I'm here already. So stop crying you'll look uglier.

Sooyeon: You never changed. You're still that meanie oppa who would always make me happy when I'm sad and always teases me.

Me: Yeah yeah, now let's go back to the others, they're probably worried now. Gaja!

She nods then smiles.

Jeon Jungkook's P.O.V

The bell has rang 5 mins. ago and I'm still here with Soonmi.

Me: Soonmi I have to go. The hyungs are probably waiting for me.

Soonmi: Sure thing oppa. See ya later! *sends flying kisses*

Oh If you're thinking if Soonmi is my girlfriend well nope, I'm just playing with her.

I went to the cafeteria to my hyungs. I saw them waving at me and I waved back.

Yoongi: Oh Jungkook-ah! Come here. Let's eat. We've been waiting for you.

Wow! Since when did Yoongi hyung act like Jin hyung.

I noticed someone is missing.

Me: Hyung where is Hobi hyung?

Jimin: Oh he had a little private talk with Sooyeon.

Sooyeon? Like Lee Sooyeon my classmate?
What would they talk about?

???: Oh Jungkook! You're here already.

Me: Ne Hobi hyung!

I noticed Sooyeon and Hobi hyung keeps on laughing and talking. I smell something.

Me: Hyung what is that ugly doing here?

I whined.

Seokjin: Yah! Where's your manners Jungkook-ah?

Lee Sooyeon's P.O.V.

Oh great. Jungkook's here.

Jungkook: Hyung what is that ugly doing here?

He whined.

Seokjin: Yah! Where's your manners Jungkook-ah?

Me:It's okay Jin oppa. Just let Jungkook be himself. *smirk*

"Yah. What did you and Hobi hyung talked about?" Jimin whispered.

Me: I found him Jimin oppa.

Jimin: Really?

I nod.

I could feel someone glaring at me. Ugh! Why do I feel this always?

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