
"Alright, girls get in an orderly fashion! The Night Class doesn't want a bunch of people trampling all over them! Besides, you guys need to get to your dorms!" I tried holding my ground against the swarm of fangirls trying to push themselves past me. I dug my feet into the ground, and tried to push back. No way was I going to have to relay on Kiryu again to save me from being trampled by these girls.

"Move it!"

"Yeah! You're just jealous! Move it!" Somehow what one girl said about me being jealous got to me. What could I possibly be jealous over?

"Get back! Now!" I held my arms out to push them back. Sometimes, it just felt like we were bodyguards to a bunch of celebrities. For a second, I truly felt bad for the celebrities body guards that dealt with this every time their client went out in public.

I was relieved when the girls lined up in order as the Night Class began to file through. Some merely ignored the crowd as they headed to their classes, while others, like Takuma and Aidou, waved and even flirted with a few of them. Though most of it, mostly the latter, came from Aidou. I watched them all go by with a sort of new perspective on it. I guess I could understand why these girls clamored to these Vampires. They were all so heart-wrenching beautiful, and talented, and smart. I could see the allure, and as I gazed at some of them...I understood better than before of why these girls liked them so much.

Maybe if things were different. If things weren't the way they were. If they weren't my enemies, and I theirs...I might be among these girls. Clamoring to get their attention. Trampling over Zero and Yuuki to get a glimpse. Breaking the rules if only to have memento of them. Of their unearthly beauty.

As I looked around at the Night Class filing by one by one, my eyes caught sight of Akatsuki for the first time in what felt like forever. His orange eyes made contact with my blue eyes, and we seemed to hold contact longer than was necessary before he nodded in acknowledgement, broke eye contact, and continued moving on. I let out a shaky breath that I had no idea I was holding previously.

"Alright! Let's begin tonight's patrol!" Yuuki exclaimed happily. I nodded, and we began our patrol.


I tried to stay away from the Moon Dormitory grounds as long as I possibly could, but I knew there was going to be some point when I was going to have to go over there. After all, I couldn't avoid it forever.

"Everything checks out here. No Day Class students sneaking over here again. No vampires about at all. Nobody feels like breaking the rules tonight. Perfect." I had announced aloud to myself after only twenty minutes of checking the grounds. I was in a hurry to get away before anyone stopped me. So I turned, all prepared to leave when all hopes of not begin distracted were officially ruined.

"You kept us waiting here nearly all night. You usually patrol here, and you usually stay a long time when you're not on duty here." I had to contain my excitement as I turned to face both Akatsuki, and Aidou, the latter was prompted up against the very same tree I usually sit at to just stare mindlessly at the Moon Dormitory building.

"Tonight's been busy. I haven't had time to really get here yet."

"But Yuuki did, and she didn't seem in any hurry. Then again, Kuran did meet her here." Aidou spoke up in a rather bored tone. The same tone parents would use when they get tired of answering a child's never ending questions, only a slight jealous tone to it. I glanced at Aidou for a second, and then at Akatsuki who was looking at me in no particular way. It was like he was patiently waiting for me to tell the truth. And like hell would I ever admit to them that I was purposely avoiding them. No way. Hell would freeze over twice before I admitted to that.

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