Chapter 8: Coffee-date

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“That just proves how caught up with Nate you’ve been. I made this, well not the shirt but the colouring. I put up a video last night of it. I made it for you, I knew you would love it.”

A wave of bad conscience rolled over me. I had completely neglected my sister and not even watched her last video.

“I’m so sorry, Em. I guess I have been a bit caught up. Can you forgive me?”

“Ha! Forgive you? You have nothing you need to be forgiven for. I’m so glad that you finally focus on something else than school or watching my every move like a hawk. But I would like you to keep up with my videos though, okay?”

I absolutely loved the sweater. It was formfitting, which I normally didn’t go for on my upper body, but Emma had made it and the colouring and the fabric was amazing.

Emma convinced me into letting her do my hair and after a couple of minutes I had a rather chick braided up-do. It was beautifully done but not over the top I thanked her as I was finally ready to leave to go meet Nate.

We had agreed to meet at a local café and it was not a very long walk from where I lived but the walk there seemed endless. It didn’t help that I didn’t know the exact location and keep glancing at street names to know where I was. If I didn’t calm down soon I would be covered in sweat from nervousness when I got there.

I had left home early and was pleased when I found the café. It was so charming. It had odd paintings on the walls and only a hand full of tables available. I walked in finding the place completely filled other than a reservation and felt my heart sink. It was so busy that we likely couldn’t get a chance to sit down. Nate had recommended the place and I understood why he liked it but it would be annoying if we couldn’t sit down to chat. On the other hand then I might be able to keep my nerves in check. I was looking forward to seeing him though. Since we had chatted and spoken on the phone I felt like I had gotten to know him so much better and I had images in my head of how he looked when he smiled but I wasn’t sure it measured up to the real thing.

“You wouldn’t happen to be Abbs, would you?” a 20-something woman said from behind the counter. She was absolutely stunning with almost black hair and a bright smile.

“My name is Abigail, actually…” I started to say as I recognized the nickname that no one other than Nate used for me. Although I had disliked it initially I was now quite fond of it, only when he said it though.

“I have a reservation for you, I’m sure he’ll be along shortly,” she said and walked around the counter.

Slightly confused I let her guide me around to the back of the shop to the reserved corner table.

“Why are…” I started to ask only to be interrupted.

“Oh sorry, I skipped the introduction. I’m Sabrina, Nate’s sister,” she informed me. “Sorry, I hustled you away like that but a few of Nate’s fans are seated out front. They know I’m his sister and they often come here to get to see him.”

“Oh,” I said. I had a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that Nate had “fans” and that they would turn up at his sister’s place of work just in the off chance that they would get to see him.

“Excuse my manners, the information just caught me off guard. I’m Abigail Clover and I know Nate through…”

Again she interrupted. “You’re the photographer. I know. Nate’s told me about you. If anyone of them comes to bother you, just give me a holler, right sweetie?” she said and went back to manning the café.

Dating a YouTuber?!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz