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Time has ended.... Every one gave their best to flourish their business,  to be on top... To be progressive... But only the best will win.. Only the best companies will be in top list.
      But  two people not aware of their future life are fighting,   fighting to beat each other and be on top!!  To show the other one that they are best..   But who will win??  Experience or Determination??  Even I don't know what will happen.
        Here Raima was impatient to know the result.... She had worked hard and was adamant to defeat him... But she didn't knew what future has in store for her. 
   On the other side Shaurya was quite sure about his victory... He had pride on his work and experience.... He was sure no one would ever defeat him... Leave the defeating thing.... He was sure no one will even earn half of what he had earned... Will his experience be continued???  Will he again win??  Or will Raima defeat him this time?? Well that you will know Saturday... Till then stay tuned anddddd!!!!  Ponder over this😂😂😂.


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