"Well, I get back stateside and she's miserable, has lost weight, and won't stop crying," the Colonel growled and my heart sank. "All I could get out of her was that the divorce was final."

"It is," I said hanging my head. "The papers had come in and I'd left them on the counter because we'd agreed we would talk about what we wanted to do. I found them on my dresser after I realized she was gone, signed. I'd bought her a ring and was going to surprise her with it because I was so sure she felt the same damn way I do. It didn't matter to me if we stayed married or signed the papers and started fresh as long as I had her. Dammit sir, I love her! More than anything. I thought she knew that! The two weeks after she leaves, I see a photo online of her having dinner with Stephen! So I signed the damn papers as well then turned them in."

"Tell me something I didn't already fucking know son. I know you love her!" the Colonel grumbled shaking his head. "That shit was something my mother cooked up! Charli was nowhere near Nashville when that supposedly happened! You have got to fix this."

"HOW!" I yelled my hands shaking. PJ gave me a concerned look. I'd been so sullen lately I knew he was terrified I would take a drink. This hurt worse than Amber leaving ever did. "She won't talk to me. I have no idea what I did sir. I know I miss her like crazy. She broke my heart when she left."

"Well isn't this just a shit sandwich," the Colonel grumbled then sighed. He studied me for a minute carefully. "Don't make me regret this son."

"What's that sir?" I asked quietly my heart lifting a little at the thought he may tell me where she is.

"She's in North Carolina," he said as my eyes widened. "Had been at my house on base until two weeks ago when she rented a little house on the beach. They told me she had been on base when I got back the other day. I finally half ass got what was going on out of her yesterday. I'll give you the address. Be honest, not sure if she's armed or not. Might wanna take extra precautions."

"PJ?" I said turning my head to look at him. He gave me a nod pulling his phone out.

"On it Boss," he said shaking his head. "Jeff will be pissed for messing with his perfectly crafted schedule, but I'll have you a flight to North Carolina lined up for as soon as you are done tonight."

"Thanks," I said quietly. I reached a hand out to shake the Colonel's hand. "Thank you sir."

"Just make it right son," he said with a firm shake.

Mid-morning the next day, I pulled the rental car up to a little white cottage right on Onslow Beach in North Carolina parking behind Charli's SUV in the gravel driveway. I rubbed a hand over my tired face. I had literally flown across the entire country to be here. I had been in Oregon last night then boarded a plane to get me here. It was cloudy and I could hear the crashing of the waves. I knew from what Charli had told me, Camp LeJune had been one of her favorite bases her father had been stationed at before she'd moved to live with her grandmother. It was no surprise to me now that she had fled here. Just wished I had thought of it sooner.

I knocked on the door and waited. Not hearing footsteps, noise or anything I got worried. The Colonel had said she hadn't been doing okay. I turned the knob surprised it opened with ease as I stepped into the quiet house. I almost called out for her as I strode in but stopped when I saw something through the wide window wall that made up most of the back of the house. I saw a lone figure sitting in the middle of the deserted beach below on a blanket. I knew instantly it was Charli. I made my way out the door onto the wooden deck and down the steps.

I paused to slip off my Nikes and socks leaving them there knowing I would just sink in the sand walking in them. I quietly made my way over to her as the sun tried to break through the heaving clouds. The waves were crashing along the shoreline. Charli was sitting with her back to me, her knees drawn up to her chest with her chin resting on top of them. One of my long sleeve WWP t-shirts draped over her small frame with a pair of fleece pants. Her dark hair was piled up on her head in a messy bun.

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