<Bad dreams again?>

Though that had been a problem lately you hadn't even been to sleep yet. You shook your head raising your hand to type a reply.

It was a little too embarrassing to admit you wanted to hear his voice.

<It's too quiet.>

Ace frowned against your skin placing a chaste kiss over the dip of your shoulder. There wasn't anything he could do to really fix that. He hummed trying to think of a way to cheer you up, noting how you shivered at the action.

<You can feel that right?>

You nodded, <It's the closest sensation to sound I can experience.>

Ace placed the tablet back on the nightstand and shifted you to face him as he snuggled back down into the mattress. He ignored your puzzled glace as he began to hum one of the many songs you played while you worked. You focused on the rumbling in his chest while he encouraged you by drumming his fingers over the small of your back until the words bubbled up your throat.

"When you hold me, in your arms so tight, you let me know everything's alright. I~ I'm hooked on a feeling." it came out off key and slurred but to Ace it was beautiful.

A soft chuckle escaped you, surprised by how much better that made you feel. Ace kissed your forehead and continued to hum until you finally fell asleep.

You were driving, admittedly a little distracted singing along to the radio. Something slammed into your bug jerking you sideways and sending you airborne. You watched in horror as the road made contact with the passenger side door jostling you violently about in your seat. The sound of screeching metal and shattering glass filled your ears.

When you came to you were lying in the snow, a familiar voice shrieked nearby. Scrambling to your hands and knees you saw Ace writhing on the embankment screaming for Luffy. His voice slowed down like a broken record player, not matching the desperate movements of the freckled male. Eventually the scene was void of sound and you were too weak to reach him. The ground beneath you rumbled dragging your gaze back to the beetle as it shifted forward sending nearly a ton of steel on top of you.

A loud gasp raked up your throat while you sat up blinking frantically. Ace's arms wound around your waist pulling you back into his embrace.

"S'ok, I'm here." he mumbled forgetting in his drowsy state that you couldn't hear him.

He opened his eyes as your sweaty shivering body made contact with his. Knowing it was the same dream that has been plaguing you since the accident he reached for his tablet just as his alarm went off to start the day.

<Let's get in the shower.>

You shook your head slowly not really wanting to leave the bed.

<I have to get ready for work and it won't hurt you to feel a little refreshed. You can go right back to bed after.>

Wanting to spend time with the raven before you were alone for the day you sat up slowly earning a triumphant smirk from him. You were still terribly sore and couldn't stand for long periods of time without being in pain so, it helped to not shower alone.

Ace held you close under the hot water before helping you wash your body and hair, the shame of him bathing you having long since passed. He was right it, did seem to help refresh you and bring you out of the trauma of your nightmare.

You realized he was humming again, aside from feeling it from the source you could sense it reverberating off the tile walls. It was something upbeat that you couldn't quite place, but that didn't matter as long as your raven seemed content with the current situation. Who wouldn't want their naked girlfriend pressed up against them in the shower? It was the best way to start his day.

After your joint shower you slipped into one of Ace's shirts and crawled back into bed. Your boyfriend entered shortly after you in his work clothes, hair tied halfway up he leaned over tipping your chin up for a kiss.

<Thatch is here. I'll text you on my break. Just get some rest.>

"Have a good day." you muttered receiving another kiss.

"How is she?" Thatched asked as Ace slid into the passenger seat.
"I think it'll be a while before she's over the trauma. She's still having nightmares." the raven sighed.
"If you don't want to leave her alone we can find someone to cover your shift." Thatch offered.
"I would much rather stay home. But there are bills to pay, plus Kuma is here for her."

The elder chuckled, "Look at you."
"What?" Ace asked defensively.
"Fire Fist Ace settled down and paying bills." the brunette teased.
"If it were anyone else I wouldn't be here."
Thatch took that last statement in for a moment before breaking the brief silence, "Pops would be proud."

Ace hoped that was true. For the second time in his life he felt like he belonged and was truly loved without condition. For the first time he didn't have the urge to keep exploring; he wanted to stay here with you.

After the short drive the brothers arrived at the restaurant.Thatch headed to the kitchen to make sure the staff was prepping for brunch while Ace headed to the break room to get his apron and notepad.

"Acey!" he sighed at the sound of Katie's voice entering the break room.
"Uh, hey."
"Hey," she rubbed her nape ruffling her purple locks, "I just wanted to say I was sorry for Christmas. I was a mess and I don't remember everything but Thatch said I broke your phone and you still managed to make sure I had a safe place to stay for the night."
"It's no big deal." he avoided eye contact tying his apron.
"Well, I still wanted to thank you." she hugged him.
"You're welcome." he stepped back a little uncomfortable by her proximity.
"Oh I heard what happened to your roommate. Must be tough for the poor thing." the purplette clicked her tongue in a pitying manner, "Will you be moving out?"
"What? Why would I move out?" he couldn't hide the offense in his voice, "She has a name and you know it. I really don't appreciate the way you talk about my girlfriend."

Katie took a step back a little shocked by his stern tone and the news of your status. An embarrassed flush crept up her throat as she swallowed passed the knot that was threatening to suffocate her.

"Ah ...Oh. I'm... I'm so sorry." she spun on her heel and ran for the restroom.

Ace sighed, he could have been a little less gruff but it did feel nice to announce your relationship to someone other than Thatch and Grace.     

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