He just stucks his tongue out at me

Ross: sooo watcha reading?

Laura:something you will be interested in, its the fault in our stars.

Ross has always had this obsession with romance

Ross:meh i have read that....

Laura: i will never understand what is it with you and romance novels (i giggle)

He then leaned on his balcony as well making our faces a few inches away

Ross:soo how will you rate kelly? From 1-10

Laura: duh 1

He chuckles

Ross:i agree

Laura:you just dont take love seriously dont you? (I smirked)

Ross:nope and i never will! I love making girls fall for me.

Laura:oh do you? (I tease)

Ross:yup! Every girl i met always wanted to kiss me or be with me! (He says proudly)

Laura:not technically :p

Ross:what do you mean?

Laura: im a girl, and yet i dont like you that way :p

He then had a shock look

Ross:YOU'RE RIGHT! ..........but im sure you always dream of me kissing you ;) (he smirks)

I then widened my eyes.

Laura:ok EWW! (I giggle)

Ross: you probably kiss your pillow, imagining it was me...

Laura: wow thats rich! (I teased)


We then stared into each others eyes...

Laura:soo when will you get your new girl of the week? (I smirked)

Ross:hmmm i dont know, maybe tomorrow? (He chuckels) or maybe now.

I then gave him a confused look


Ross:yup, laura will you go out with me? ;) (he says teasingly)

Laura:(i giggle) nope.

Ross: aww man, (he says pretending to be hurt)

He then shots me that sad face he uses when he cant get a girl,

Laura:those eyes dont work on me mr lynch.

Ross:(he chuckles) i know i know. I was just joking.

Laura: yeah i know ;)

Ross:soooo wanna help me find a new girl tomorrow?

Laura:cant, im studying for a test.

Ross: like usual,....

Laura:whatever(i giggle) i better head inside, its getting cold.

Ross: awwww my juliets leaving?

I then laughed.

Laura:yes she is (i say while walking to the glass doors.)

I had my body half way inside when i look back at him.

Laura:goodnight romeo ;)

Ross:(he chuckles) night night juliet ;)

I then went inside and closed my glass doors.

I then took of my shirt to reveal my bra....

I then realized i havent closed my curtains yet!

I then look back and ross was staring and smirking at me

I then outhed the words "perv" at him and i close my curtains.

Ross' pov

Juliet juliet juliet,,,,........there was a story behind our nicknames to each other..., i'll tell you a out it later.

I then went back inside and rydel was on my bed.

Rydel: why dont you just date laura?

I then groaned

Ross: why do you keep saying that?

Rydel:well instead of coming home everyday with a new girl you barely know, you should go out with someone who you love,

My eyes then widened


She then mumbled something i couldnt here...


Rydel:ohh nothing...


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