Chapter 50 Sometimes...

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Ross' pov

Closing the locker door in front of me, the school speakers reminded us that prom is just a few nights away. I started walking to my next class, Laura's probably already there.

As I entered the room, she was seated at her usual seat in front. Class doesn't start for 20 minutes. I took a seat next to her and she smiled. She was reading some notes on her paper.

Ross: a little early, don't you think?

There were like 5 out of 20 students seated in class, and that includes Me and Laura.

Laura: well, I don't really need to do anything so, might as well be early in class.

I just nodded and took out my notebook as well. Exams start tomorrow. Gotta get my knowledge out.

I started reviewing Literature first, cause ......I don't know, that subject seems pretty easy.

From time to time, Laura would glance at me and I would glance back. I feel like she has something to tell me. But let me shrugged that off for a while.


Lunch time and Laura was staring at blank space. Raini kept on babbling stuff about prom to her but she seemed..... Off.

Raini: laura!

Laura: wh-what? Im sorry, what'd you say?

Raini: Look this is really important, Im in charge of the theme, caterig and everything at prom. But if you dont care i'll find someone else o help me.

Raini stood up feeling a bit offended about laura not listening. That leaves Me, Calum and Laura. Calum was to busy with his Phone to notice.

Laura's mood was a bit down. Especially after Raini told her off.

Ross:hey, you ok? (I said softly while placing my arm around her shoulder)

She just responded with a nod as she stood up. I saw a single tear she wiped with her hand.

Laura: I just need, some air.

And thats when she left the cafeteria.

Ross: hey calum. Im just gonna talk to her alright? (I said while leaving him there, not even noticing)

Laura's pov

Whats wrong with me today. Im usually not affected by decisions made by other people, unless if I don't have a saying to it. This may not make any sense but it will soon.

I was out in the school garden. Looking at all the flowers and shrubs as I sat on the bench.

There was always something ruining my alone time. I felt the presence of another person seated next to me. I didn't bother looking, there's only one person who would come after and comfort me at times like this.

He wrapped his arm around me, not even speaking. I didnt mind, and all I could do was rest my head on his shoulder. Having company was really better than my alone time. He soon, relaxed as well and rested his head on mine.

This silence went on for another 15 minutes. I liked it, still remaining the peace and quiet but with someone that made me feel better.

The bell rang, the only noise that was heard for our time here. I looked over to him and he did the same.

Ross: lets go?

I just smiled and nodded.

He stood up reaching for my hand which I gladly gave. We walked to our next class hand in hand, forgetting everything my parents told me last night.

I looked over to ross again, thinking if I should tell him or not. My decision. Not.


After school, I apologized to Raini, it took forever for her to forgive me, but it all worked out. I had to adjust my schedule thou, exams are tomorrow, and I need to help her with the catering service.

I was in my favorite spot in the world. My balcony. A phonebook rested on the edge as I held a phone against my ear as I contacted dofferent catering services good for like 700-800 people.

I was a little frustrated that I couldnt find a catering servoce that could understand me.

Ross' Pov

Studying up every single detail that could be studied. From math, to science to all the subjects. As I was reviewing myself, I got all the answers right.

Ross: I'm so going to ace the tests. (I said to myself)

I looked over to Laura's balcony to check on her. She was talking on the phone. Looking stressed. She should be reviewing by now.

I got up my bed and walked out my balcony.

Laura: Noooo, I said I wanted Pork. Ugh.......what? much?! ......well thanks anyway....

I was now leaning on the edge as she drops her phone.

Ross: everything alright?

She cages her head in her hands as she sighs.

Laura: what do you think?

Ross: I think, you need a rest. Laura its 9pm. Have you studoed for tomorrow?

Laura: of course I've had.

I moved the strand of her hair behind her ear as she stares at me.

Ross: then go to sleep. Please.

She looked at me, looking exhausted. I hate seeing her like this. She's usually the on the go girl. Always on time. But now she's cramming.

Laura: but the caterer....

Ross:I'll take care of go to sleep..

Laura:but ross....

Ross: no buts, go to sleep, goodnight.

I kissed her forehead so that she would have no other choice but to do as I told.

Laura:(she sighs) alright.....

She walks back to her room and gives me a goodbye flying kiss before closing her curtains.

Ok now....... Where do I find a catering service?





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