chapter 17- welcome back

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"so. . . yoojung, daniel's coming tomorrow, is that right?" she asked me and i nodded my head.

"are you guys getting back together?" she asked.

why is she asking me things like this? does she want in on him too? there's no way, for sure she likes jihoon.

i didn't answer her as i was thinking of all these things.

"you do love him, right?" she asked me.

"love?" i asked her back.

"or atleast, you were in love with him at some point right?" she asked again.

we were never in love, we just had days where our hearts fluttered.

i was some what amused of all her questions and realise that i never really replied to her.

"yoojung. . ." she slowly held my hand.

"i wanna know what love feels like. they say it's sweet like candy, they say it feels like flying." she continued.


"i wanna know that feeling of smiling all day and the feeling of everything becoming beautiful. when nothing else matters but them." she explained.

i had to help her, i mean look at her. she's pitiful. she was . . . just like me.

i removed her hand from mine and gently held both her wrists instead.

"i can help you, you just have to trust me okay?" I told her and she smiled.

"I always will" she assured.


It was hard to tell whether sohye was using yoojung to get closer to jihoon or if yoojung was using sohye to do what ever she wanted. it seemed like their friendship was abnormally happy, sohye doing things for yoojung and vice versa. but the person who benefited the most from this...?


yoojung: sorry jihoon-ah, i can't make it to lunch, something came up. have fun though!

jihoon: are you serious? but sohye is already here, you said we'd eat lunch together!

yoojung: it's really important! just have lunch with her first. i'll make it up to you later :))

jihoon put down his phone and looked up, to meet with sohye's eyes already looking at him.

"did something happen? is something wrong?" sohye asked concerned.

"no, it's fine, yoojung's not coming anymore. let's order!" jihoon gave a light smile.

the two ordered their food and sohye initiated most conversations, gaining more confidence from what yoojung has given her, however things just felt slightly awkward and boring for jihoon.

his eyes were looking around the restaurant out of awkward-ness and his eyes landed on daehwi and doyeon walking in.

jihoon closed his eyes slowly, gave a relieved sigh and mentally cheered for himself.

"you guys!" jihoon said, standing up from the table, signalling them to come over, which suprised sohye, but she didn't mind.

"oh jihoon-ah!" doyeon pointed, making daehwi look.

"let's go" he said as he saw jihoon's signal.

"oh yoojung's there too!" daehwi said as the walked closer to the table but doyeon stopped him with her hand on his arm, causing daehwi to look at her.

"that's not yoojung. . ." doyeon began and daehwi looked back at the table confused, until the girl turned around.

"that's. . . sohye."


yoojung finished texting jihoon about not being about to make it to lunch anymore, even though she wasn't planning on going anyway. she wanted sohye to be happy, so it was the least she could do. and the easiest thing.

daniel and yoojung had planned to meet earlier, before the dinner with the gang at seonho's restaurant.

daniel wanted to catch up on stuff with yoojung before reuniting with the rest of the gang.

yoojung: i'm waiting at the front of campus. i'm sitting on the bench behind the playground :)

daniel: nearly there :)

yoojung put her phone down and smiled. internally and externally. it's been so long since she's seen daniel. she didn't want to admit it to anyone or even herself but she missed the way he looked at her. they way he called her name. the way he would laugh even when something wasn't funny.


i  stretched my arms getting prepared to see daniel and noticed mina walking pass where i was sitting.

i wonder where she's going today.

my eyes followed where she walked, causing my body to do a full turn, facing the front of the university.

then i saw him. daniel. my smile became wider as i stood up. i quickly looked down to brush the creased off my skirt.

"mina!" i heard daniel yell out which made me immediately look up out of confusion, and saw daniel with his arms wide open.

i froze in my position.

w-what is he doing?

"daniel!" mina called back and jumped into his arms.

"daniel. . ?" i managed to mumble.

Thanks for reading!
daniel's finally back lol

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