"We do, yeah. Or we should, anyways." Zayn answers, scratching his chin. He looks back over to Harry, giving him a small smile. "That would be great, if you're sure you want to cook."

"I love cooking," Harry tells him, smiling, shrugging again. He sets about untangling himself from Louis without waking the man up, easing his legs over the edge of the couch until his feet hit the ground. He shifts his weight forward, trying not to put too much of his weight on Louis as he stands up. Louis grumbles under his breath, shifting around on the couch. Harry holds his breath, watching Louis' face carefully for any signs that he accidentally woke him up. But Louis just rolls over on his stomach, burying his face in the pillow.

Harry sighs in relief, tugging his shirt down over the exposed bit of belly his shirt had slid up to reveal. He runs his fingers through his hair in a failed attempt at taming the wild mess that he knows is on top of his head.

He heads into the kitchen, quickly scanning the contents of the cabinets and the refridgerator to see what ingredients he has to work with. Its actually fairly stocked so Harry decides on pancakes, with a side of sausage (though there isn't really a ton of that), as it's fairly easy and fast to make. And he knows Niall loves when he makes him pancakes.

He's stacking the finished pancakes on one plate when he hears Louis' voice, "where's Harry?" from the living room.

Harry turns around just in time to watch Louis stroll into the kitchen, bare feet pitter-pattering across the floor. He pauses in the doorway, leaning his shoulder against the doorframe, a lazy grin on his face. His eyes are soft and sleepy, his arms crossing over his chest. Harry's own lips pull into a matching smile. "G' morning," He greets shyly, letting his gaze turn back to the food.

"Good morning, gorgeous." Louis rasps, sending shivers down Harry's spine. He pushes off of the doorframe and walks the short distance over to Harry. He wraps his arms around Harry's waist, pulling the b oy back into his chest and burrowing his face into the crook of his neck. Harry freezes in surprised, his breath catching in his throat as he nearly drops the empty skillet in his hand. Louis' nose nudges against his jaw and Harry subconsciously tilts his head to the side, allowing him better access.

"So, you're very cuddly in the morning time then?" Harry asks after a beat, working to keep his voice normal. He mentally curses himself when even he can hear how effected he sounds.

Louis freezes then like he just realized what he's doing, letting go of Harry's hips and taking a step back to put some space between their bodies. "Sorry." He chuckles sheepishly, scratching his jaw. "A bit, yeah."

"It's fine, I like it." Green eyes go wide and he slaps a hand over his mouth, his body going rigid as his brain catches up to what just flew out of his mouth. Louis chuckles and Harry forces himself to peek over at him, the tension leaving his body at the sweet, happy smile on his face.

"Good to know, love." Louis replies, leaning forward and pressing a quick kiss to Harry's cheek. The featherlight touch leaves Harry's mind reeling, his cheeks flushing. Niall and Zayn saunter into the kitchen, talking quietly to themselves, heading right for the table.

"Good morning to you too, Louis." Niall calls out as he pulls his chair out, sitting down in the seat. "Since you couldn't even say that before rushing in here to get to Harry." The blond boy shakes his head, not even trying to hide his amusement. Louis laughs quietly, his eyes crinkling in the corners from the force of his smile. He clears his throat, before he returns the greeting. Harry's blush deepens and he focuses intently on rinsing out the skillet with cold water, before moving to start putting food on different plates for everyone.

Louis' thin fingers wrapping around his wrist stop him from doing so and Harry looks up at him, his breath stuttering when he sees how close his face is. "We can get our own food, love, you've already done more than enough by cooking for us all."

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