Chapter Eight

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Harry's lips turn down into a frown as the light buzz of chatter fills his ears, rousing him back to consciousness. His eyelids stay sealed shut, his emerald eyes not yet ready to be revealed to the morning light. Warmth surrounds him and he snuggles blindly into it, his lips stretching with a silent yawn. His nose scrunches up as his brain recognizes the uncomfortable feeling of his sweatpants twisting around his leg, the blanket covering him further heightening the feeling. A firm weight is circled around his waist, anchoring him down.

"Be quieter, babe." He hears someone whisper from across the room, barely concealed amusement laced in their voice. Harry's forehead wrinkles as his sleep-hazed brain tries to place who the voice belongs to. "You're gonna wake them up, and you know Louis will get mad if that happens." It dawns on Harry then that it's Zayn speaking, as he listens to the quiet chuckle that follows the statement echo through the room.

Harry sighs, the noise audible enough to reach Zayn and Niall's ears, as he slowly lets his eyes flutter open, having to blink a few times to adjust to the light streaming in through the windows. Belatedly he realizes his nose is pressed against a t-shirt that's pulled tight across a muscular chest. He flushes, remembering how he fell asleep against Louis last night during the movie. "Too late for that," He mumbles, low and gravelly. His eyes trail from the t-shirt, up to a tan throat, past a sparse coating of hair over a sharp jawline, thin pink lips parted as tiny puffs of air slip between them, before finally landing on the closed eyelids that he knows are hiding cerulean eyes. Louis' face is right above his, his chin nearly resting against the top of Harry's head. The back of Louis' head is propped up on a pillow that Harry doesn't remember being there when he fell asleep. And somehow during Harry's sleep one of Harry's legs got intertwined between Louis'. The strong vice around his waist tightens and Harry tenses, his eyes shooting back up to Louis' face, his shoulders relaxing when he sees that Louis is still asleep.

He lets his gaze drift away from Louis' face, propping up on his elbow to peer over Louis, over to the other couch. Zayn and Niall occupy the cushions, the two cuddled up together with a large blanket spread over their legs. They're both already looking back at Harry; a smirk is on Niall's face while Zayn is smiling at him.

"Yes." Niall speaks up after the stare down turns awkward (for Harry, at least). His voice is just above a whisper, but the words carry through the quiet room, as does the smug undertone in his voice. It sends blood rushing to Harry's cheeks, heating the skin uncomfortably. Harry shifts on the couch, the blanket bunching up as he closes his fist, pulling the soft fabric up so it covers his face from the nose down. He turns his head so he can press his face against Louis' bicep before he even realizes what he's doing. "You guys have been cuddled together all night. Got about a hundred pics to prove it too." The blond boy waves his phone in the air as an offering of proof, even though Harry isn't looking at him anymore.

Harry groans quietly at the news, his features twisting with his shock. Louis starts to shift beside him, causing Harry to realize where his face is hiding against. Zayn's lips twitch as he tries to swallow a chuckle, taking a second to school his features in an attempt to look exasperated, but fondness wins out. He looks back over to Harry, an eyebrow raising. "You up for going out for breakfast, Haz?"

Harry thinks it over, his head tilting to the side. Going out would mean having to wake Louis up, and he looks so peaceful. "Do you guys have anything to make for breakfast here?" He asks, chewing on his lip. "I can just cook if so, if you guys want me too. So we wouldn't have to go anywhere just yet." Harry offers, shrugging.

"You cook?" Zayn asks, his eyebrows raising in surprise.

"He's the best cook ever," Niall butts in, eagerly nodding his head. He peers up at his boyfriend, widening his eyes earnestly, "Please say you guys actually have food here."

In the Name of Love (Larry Stylinson)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن