Chapter Three

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The comment Niall made about the wolf stays bouncing around inside of Harry's head all day, making him more and more curious with each passing second. Realistically, he knows there's a chance that the wolf won't ever come back, that it's already left the vicinity of his house, maybe even his town by now, but there's a feeling in the pit of his stomach that tells him he's still around. When the curly haired boy gets home, he props himself by his window sill, turns his tv on, and watches it from an admittedly awkward angle. He keeps an eye out though, searching the forest line periodically for the furry beast, but he sees nothing that night.  

Niall calls him on Saturday, inviting the curly haired boy to come over to his house for the day, tells him that Zayn is coming to hang out. Harry raises his eyebrows at that, because damn that was fast, and he asks Niall when they planned all of this. Niall tells him that he got Zayn's number before school ended the previous day. Harry thinks his decision over briefly, and he does end up agreeing to go. Most of their day is spent watching various movies, playing several video games, and eating the pizza that Zayn and Niall ordered before Harry got there. Harry head home just before the sky begins to darken, eats the dinner his mother cooked.

"Hey, mum?" Gemma asks, setting her glass of water back down on the coaster. Anne turns to her daughter, raising her eyebrows in acknowledgement. "Madison's having a small party next Saturday, can I go? Her parents will be there, so they'll make sure things don't get too out of hand." She widens her eyes a fracture, her teeth sinking in the corner of her lip.

Anne thinks it over quickly, shrugging her shoulders after a few seconds pass. "Yeah, sure, honey, I don't see why not. You know the rules, your curfew."

"Thank you," Gemma smiles innocently, fist pumping the air in victory when Anne turns her back for a moment. Harry rolls his eyes, knowing everything his sister just told is a flat out lie, but he doesn't even try to bust her. He stands up from his seat, takes his dishes over to the sink, just setting them in the water that's already there, as it is Gemma's week to clean them. He heads up to his room, shutting the door behind him as he goes.

The boy eyes the window as he passes by it, on his way of getting changed into his pajamas, but the wolf still hasn't made it's presence known. Harry props up in his bed after he changes, watching the TV for a few hours, until his eyes start to get heavy.

On Sunday night, right as he's on the verge of falling asleep, he remembers his goal and squints his eyes open to peek out the window. There's something beneath a bush at the edge of the forest.

Harry kicks off his covers, shivering when the cool air of his bedroom hits his skin. The excitement of seeing the wolf again mixed with the temperature in his room helps to wake him up instantly. He jogs over to his window pane, pressing his face as close to the glass as he can, in an effort to get a closer peek without freezing to death. Even from this distance, he can tell that it's the wolf he's been searching for, trying to spot, and that the wolf's unnaturally bright blue eyes are locked on him. Neither of them move, their eyes focusing on one another.

Harry's too tired to run outside and make contact with the wolf, and he knows that even if he felt like it, it's way too cold to be out there (though the wolf's fur does look warm), so he just gets comfortable in the seat, crossing his arms over his chest. They stay like that until Harry's eyes begin to get heavy, slowly beginning to shut on their own accord.

He doesn't even realize the wrap he put on the wolf is no longer there.

Harry gets woken up less than an hour later, cold and shivering harshly. The temperature in his room has seemed to drop even more and, without a blanket to help keep him hidden and protected, his skin has been open for the air to attack. He pushes himself up from the small seat, but checks out the window before he heads back to his bed. The wolf is still in the same spot as it was before he fell asleep, his body slumped on the ground, his head on his paws. But, he reasons, the wolf has a thick layer of fur lining his body, helping to keep him warm. He doesn't even appear to be shivering.

In the Name of Love (Larry Stylinson)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora