Chapter Five

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"H, please." Niall lets out a loud whine, letting his head thump back against the hard metal boxes, narrowly missing contact with a lock. "It'll be so much fun, I promise." He begs, his eyes widening adorably. His bottom lip puckers out the tiniest bit, adding to the effect.

"Then you go, Niall. Have fun by yourself, or with Zayn, or whoever else you talk into going with you." Harry answers, sighing through clenched teeth as he pulls his last needed book from his own locker, before he pushes it shut with a small clang ringing in the air around them.

"But, I want all three of us to go to it, Hazza Bear. It won't be any fun without my best friend there with me." Niall groans, widening his blue eyes even more, trying his best to force Harry into making eye contact with him, knowing he'll give in the very second he does. He always does. Niall even throws on the cute nickname he came up with when they were five for added cuteness.

"No," Harry snaps, quickly growing irritated with answering the same question over and over again. He loves his best friend, he really really does, but this is about the twentieth time he's been asked this. In the past ten minutes that they've been at school.

"But,-" Niall tries to say, only to get cut off by Zayn walking up beside the two boys. A warm grin is on the boy's face, but it slowly fades as he takes in the sight of the two, sees the expressions on their faces, feels the tension in the air. "What's going on?" He asks curiously, shoving his hands in his front pockets. Harry grumbles under his breath as Niall rushes to explain, his hands flying about in the air as he does.

"There's a party this Saturday, right? And really want us all to go to it, because it will be so much fun, but Harry won't agree to go to it with us." The Irish lad complains to him, his head tilting back and exposing the length of his throat as he groans loudly, drawing the attention of some nearby peers. Zayn simply raises one perfect eyebrow in amusement, not even bothering to comment on the fact that Niall hasn't even bothered asking him if he wants to go. He doesn't appear mad or annoyed, either. Pure fond, all over his face.

He turns to Harry, leaning his shoulder coolly against the nearest locker, coincidentally the one right beside Niall. "I mean, it might be fun, Haz." Zayn admits, shrugging his shoulders, the leather making a scratching sound against the metal. Then a lopsided grin pulls up on his face, his head tilting to the side a bit as dark eyes narrow a fraction, studying the curly haired boy's reaction as he says his next words. "And I'm pretty sure Louis is free this weekend and would want to go. So I could ask him to join us if you lads don't mind? Could be something like a double date, of sorts."

Harry freezes, opening and closing his mouth a few times, unsure of how to respond, as he feels his cheeks heat up. He groans quietly, his green eyes flickering to the tile floor beneath his feet. He doesn't miss the confused glance that Niall throws at Zayn, before his blue eyes land on Harry and widen at the sight of his flushed cheeks. "You should definitely invite him, I think. H, what do you think?"

Harry forces his green eyes up, seeing the smirk that's twisted on Niall's lips. "Definitely. I mean, um, yeah, sure. If you guys want to invite him." Harry stutters out his answer finally, cringing as his attempt for nonchalance fails miserably.

Niall grins wickedly, throwing his arm over Harry's shoulder as he steps away from the locker. "What did you think of him though? He's hot, right? He seemed to quite like you too, actually." Niall tells him, before he looks over to Zayn for his opinion, Louis being his friend and all, his words would mean more to Harry.

"He's definitely already into you, H, that's for you." Zayn agrees, a lopsided grin on his face as his dark eyes twinkle, staring at the blushing boy in front of him.

The bell rings loudly then, sparing the boy from any more embarrassing comments for now. But he knows Niall and Zayn aren't just going to let this go, knows they're gonna ask him more invading questions later. This idea if only proven further when Harry bustles off to his next class, Niall's cackling laughter echoing behind him.

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