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The first time Harry sees the wolf, he's just turned nine. Him and his best friend, Niall Horan, had decided to sneak outside when Harry's parents were out, leaving his older sister, Gemma, to watch over the boys one evening after school. 

Of course, Gemma didn't pay them any attention, choosing to call her boyfriend.

"Are we really doing this?" Harry asks his friend, glancing nervously towards the outer ring of trees a mere feet away from them. His teeth sink in his bottom lip, his arms crossing over his chest.

"Oh yes, we are!" Niall answers, grinning excitedly. His fingers wrap around Harry's upper arm, urging the boy to walk forward with him. They leave the sanction of Harry's backyard, and Harry lets out a sigh.

The air around them shifts, or at least it does for Harry, and the boy shivers as a big gust of wind rattle through the trees. For the most part, little Harry is alright, he doesn't freak out like he figured he would. Leaves crunch every now and then, a bird chirps occasionally, a squirrel darts up ahead of them. But Harry's fine, he is. Until he turns around to ask the brown haired boy a question, only to find that Niall is nowhere in sight.

"Ni?" Harry calls out nervously, a small tremor heard in his voice. He wringes his hands together in front of his body, his wide green eyes darting all around the area near him. Because he isn't paying attention to where he's going, his feet stumble over a branch on the ground, nearly causing the small boy to fall on his face.

The sound of leaves crunching comes from behind him, but this sounds much larger than a squirrel. It makes Harry freeze in his place, a shiver running down his spine. A low, animalistic growl comes from behind him. Little Hary slowly turns around in his place. A quiet whimper leaves his mouth at the sight of a caramel colored wolf standing about five feet from him.

"There, there, wolfy." Harry speaks quietly, barely a whisper, holding his hands up in front of his little body, his palms facing the animal in an attempt to placate it. He mentally berates himself, for both his bad luck and for thinking that the wolf is going to understand what he's trying to tell it.

Miraculously enough, the wolf's head only tilts to the side instead of teeth lunging for his throat, bright blue (almost unnaturally so) eyes staring up at him. Harry doesn't know what to do, but he knows that if he even attempts to turn his back on this animal it's liable to try and attack him. Or, that it will attack him.

As if reading his mind, the wolf slowly starts to make it's way forward, his eyes intensely fixated on the small boy. Harry shivers, crossing his arms in front of his chest. His green eyes watch the wolf warily, his feet taking an instinctive step back. But that causes the wolf to growl loudly.

Harry freezes again, every muscle in his body going tight and rigid. The wolf keeps trekking forward, right up until his nose is a centimeter from Harry's body. It's then that Harry realizes his whole body is shaking. The wolf's nose presses against Harry's stomach, right above his belly button, and the coolness of it seeps right through Harry's thin sweater.

It startles the small boy, his wide eyes peering down at the large animal. The wolf's nose nudges his skin repeatedly, little huffs of air leaving him every time. Then, to Harry's complete and utter surprise, the wolf drops to its haunches, it's furry head resting on Harry's shoes.

Harry frowns in confusion, his head tilting to the side as he stares down at the large wolf. When the wolf makes no other movements besides closing his eyelids, Harry timidly crouches down, careful not to joust the beast. All it does, is blink up at him. 

"You're kind of cute." Harry compliments after a minute passes, hesitantly holding his hand in the air above the wolf's nose when the beast blinks his eyes open. He doesn't try any attempts to attack so Harry carefully cards his fingers through the fur on the top of his head. The wolf's tongue lolls out of the corner of his mouth, and Harry giggles at the sight. "Definitely cute." He corrects himself. 

"Harry! Where are you?" 

Harry's head jerks up, hearing the Irish lit of his best friend's voice, sounding pretty close by. The wolf stands up instantly, a growl on his tongue as his eyes dart this way and that. He stands protectively in front of Harry. 

Another cute giggle leaves Harry's mouth, standing up beside the wolf, patting it's back. "It's okay, wolfy. It's just my friend." Logically, he knows the animal can't understand him, but with the way it tilts it's head and stares at him, it's hard to remember that fact. "I've gotta go now though, buddy. Gotta get back home. I'll see you soon though maybe?" 

The wolf yips loudly, the perfect height to lick a fat, wet stripe across the boy's cheek, which makes the boy's nose cringe, a hand scrubbing at his cheek. The wolf huffs happily, Harry didn't know they could do that, but then again he's learned a lot about wolves today that he didn't know. 

The wolf stays by Harry's side until Niall is in sight, then darts off with another lick to Harry's cheek. Harry stares after it for a second, until it's out of his view, and then he runs off to catch up with Niall. 

What do you guys think? should I continue? :) 
Twitter- larrieluek 
Instagram: toplinson_haz 
Tumblr: larrylashtonmalum 

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