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I finally stop trying to scream when the pain becomes unbearable. The gag is digging into the sides of my mouth and my wrists are starting to ache from the tugging. It isn’t long until the car stops and the side door is opened.

The light haired man takes off my blindfold and gag before he unties my wrists. I take this opportunity to swing a punch at my kidnapper.

My fist connects with his eye and he yells out in agony. The satisfaction I feel overpowers the throbbing in my knuckles.

“You bitch!” He screams. The man yanks me out of the car, slaps my face hard, and moves his jacket a little so that I’m able to see his gun.

He looks at where I’m glancing and turns to me again with a sly smile, “I don’t think we’ll having anymore problems again, do you?”

I don’t say anything but just glare at him instead.

The light haired man lets go of my hands and nods for me to follow him. I look up and see a big mansion, even grander and more ostentatious than Preston’s. I frantically search for a way out while the man’s back is turned, but my heart drops when I realize the walls surrounding the courtyard are tall and the only entrance or exit is a giant iron gate.

The man speaks without looking at me and continues walking to the front door, “I have watch guards positioned along the wall, by the way.” He says, as if he can read my mind, “So there’s really no point in leaving.”

I reluctantly follow him into the house since I have no other option. He holds the door open for me and points to the lounge next to us.

“Wait here.”

I obediently take a seat on the couch. My face is still stinging from when he slapped me, but the numbing is slowly going away. I don’t know why I’m doing as he says, but at this point; I know I can’t do anything else.

I stare at the grandfather clock in the corner and see that it’s been hours since I left the house. Where did all the time go? My mind immediately races to Preston. I don’t know how long he’d been gone when I woke up, but by now, he must have noticed that I was gone. Would he be mad? Worried?

I hoped for my sake that it was the latter.

I realize that I still have my wallet in my sweatshirt pocket. I reach for it quietly and stuff my ID into my bra hoping that whoever found my body would be able to identify me.

Then my heart drops when I remember why I had been sold to the light haired man in the first place.


Tears escape my eyes when I think about how it’s happening all over again.

This man was like a vulture, picking up the scraps that had been killed, eaten, and left behind before, except this time, the death had been caused by him.

As if on cue, my kidnapper walks downstairs with a box in his hand. He sets it on the table in front of me and takes a seat across.

“Open it.” He says, leaning back into his chair as if we were good friends and he was giving me a gift.

Slowly, I lift the top off the box and find a long, black, silk dress.

“Go upstairs and freshen up first. Then try on the dress and come back down for dinner at 7, make sure you look beautiful.” He tells me, getting up from his chair, “You can you any room. I want to make this an occasion the first night.”

He leaves the room and I hear another door shut. I quickly run up the stairs and into the room at the end of the hallway. It’s a bedroom with a king sized four post bed and lush covers.

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