Stop This Train

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Hi Guys! Sorry it's been so long since I've updated, but I've been caught up with dramarama and all that good stuff. I hope you haven't given up on me and my characters because we definitely haven't given up on you! This is kind of an emotional chapter, so for those leaky faucets like moi, you might want a box (or two) of kleenex.


“How was your date?” I asked Damian as he came inside.

He plopped down on the couch next to me and sighed, “It was wonderful.”

I scrunched up my nose and shook my head, “I don’t see how you can be all lovey-dovey. It’s gross.”

Damian mussed up my hair and snorted, “When you get older I’m sure you’ll understand.”

“Damian,” I frowned, “I’m fourteen, how much older do I have to be?”

He put his hands up defensively, “Calm down, jeez. Ever since you started hanging out with Sarah you’ve gotten sassier.”

I put my hands on my hips and glared at him, “Are you saying your girlfriend is a bad influence on me?”

“I’m saying that I’m happy you actually talk now.” Damian looked away, “But I don’t think Sarah is going to be my girlfriend for much longer.”

I walked up to him and touched his arm, “Want to talk about it?”

He looked at me with surprisingly happy eyes and nodded enthusiastically, “Yes, I would.”

“Why are you happy about this?” I asked, pulling my hand back.

“Because she’s going to be my fiancée instead.” Damian grinned.

I screamed and jumped up and down, “No way!”

“Yeah, I haven’t asked her yet, but I plan to soon.” He said with a huge, triumphant smile.

Damian checked his watch and hit his forehead, “Shit, I have to meet Matt at the gym in ten.” He kissed my forehead and ran out the door, grabbing his gym bag on the way, “Love you!”

I couldn’t help but grin at my brother’s giddiness. Being with Sarah the past two years had changed him so much. He was happier and kinder and even more interested in my life. I didn’t think it was possible for me to be more grateful that they were together than I was then.

I worked on my geometry homework in the kitchen, enjoying the quietness. My parents had been in and out of the house for the past two years, and with Damian at work most of the day, I was basically living alone.

But that day had been different different.

The front door slammed open and revealed my mother stumbling through the entryway. Her hair was a bird’s nest and her clothes were stained with alcohol.

“Sweetheart!” She yelled as she saw me sitting at the table, “I’m so glad you’re home for once!”

I bit my lip to keep from speaking a snide remark about her hypocrisy.

She looked around the house and nodded, “We better hurry up, my dear, because your father is coming home tonight to have dinner with us. I think he might even be staying the night.”

“Mother?” I asked as she pulled out some pans from the cupboard, “Are you sober?” I said with a hesitant tone. The last thing I wanted to do was upset her.

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