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I know this is very LIKE me to stop this story before I even got ten chapters in, but I recently got a message talking about how cliche this story is and I'm currently deciding whether or not it is worth it to continue......

“Hope you enjoyed our services.” I winked to the man who dropped me off at my apartment.

He licked his lips and me and grinned sleazily, “Oh, I sure did.”

I shut the door and walked away, too tired to bother to sway my hips like I normally did. I walked up to my small apartment and opened the door with the key I kept under the floor mat. I went to the kitchen and filled a glass with water, swallowing my birth control pill right after the pill Randy said would prevent STD’s. Then I took a long shower, since I could afford to because of Preston’s payment. A wave of regret washed through me when I thought about his kisses and his handsome smile.

I dried my body off and pulled on a pair of sweats and a baggy t-shirt. I loved any moment to not be who I was at work. I flipped open my book and snuggled into the blanket that I had draped over my lap. As I tried reading the first sentence over and over again, I could help but think about how different my life could be if I hadn’t gone with that man with the light hair.

The phone rang and I groaned, picking it up and hoping it wasn’t Randy calling me for another job.

“What?” I answered the phone in a frustrated flurry.

“Calm down, Auden, it’s just me. I have good news.” My friend Kellan said on the other end.

I sat up straighter, “Really what is it?”

“We found him sitting in a café outside of town talking to another man. Presumably his friend, but they looked like they were in serious conversation. Probably nothing, but something to note. Anyways, he’s only forty-five minutes away, but we haven’t found where he’s living yet.” Kellan told me.

My hands shook as I realized how real everything was. For seven years I’d been trying to track him down and now he was so close.

“Thank you, Kellan!” I exclaimed, “When do you want me to pay you?”

Kellan sighed, “Auden, I told you, I’m not going to charge you until you finally meet up with him.”

I smiled, even though I knew he couldn’t see, “Alright. See you, Kell.”

“Bye, Auden.” He said before the line clicked.

I closed my eyes and leaned back onto the couch. Damian was only forty-five minutes away. I wondered for a second about what he was doing back here, but the thought was brushed away when I tried to guess what his emotions would be like if he saw me again.

Would he still love me even if he knew what I did for a living?

In that moment, I didn’t care. I had to try anyways.

As I tried to read my book yet again, the doorbell buzzed repeatedly. I reluctantly got up and pressed the intercom button and spoke.


The smooth, charming voice on the other end chuckled, “Sorry, did I wake you? Or are you always this grumpy?”

I smiled, but remembered that I was supposed to be frustrated, “It’s just you.”

“I make you grumpy?”

“And annoyed.”

He chuckled, “Wow. I can’t believe I have such a strong effect on you. Imagine what other emotions I could invoke.”

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