Speak for Me

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I wake up to the smell of bacon, eggs, and something burning.

I rub the sleep out of my eyes as I pull on a giant sweatshirt and make my way to the kitchen.

Veronica is standing behind my stove with a confused look on her face, staring down at a griddle covered in black blobs.

"Oh, hey, Auden." Veronica says, only glancing up at me briefly.

I take a seat on a barstool in front of her. "Uh, Veronica?" I ask, wrinkling my nose, "What are those?"

She sighs, "They're supposed to be pancakes but I think something went wrong."

I eye the ingredients sitting next to her mixing bowl. Eggs, milk, and butter.

"Where's the flour?" I say.

Veronica groans and slaps her forehead, "Oh shoot. I knew I was forgetting something important."

I laugh and take the griddle off the stove, dumping the burnt disks into the trash.

"Just bacon and eggs are fine." I smile, getting plates for us, "Thank you so much for cooking this, I really appreciate it!"

Veronica smiles sheeplishly, "Bacon and eggs would be fine. If they hadn't burnt too."

I burst out laughing. It feels good to be so happy.

"Cooking isn't your thing, is it?" I say with a genuine smile.

Veronica chuckles, "No, that's Preston's forte."

"He told me he learned it from your mother?"

She smiles sadly, "My mom was literally the best cook I've ever known."

I note the slight drop in her expression and bite my lip. I'm not sure whether or not to ask what's on my mind.

"She's dead." Veronica says, a little too casually, as she starts wiping my counters. Her eyes never meet mine and I can tell it hurts for her to say it. "I bet Preston never told you that."

I shake my head, "He didn't."

"He doesn't like talking about it all that much." She mentions quietly.

"You don't have to talk about this if you don't want to." I tell her.

Veronica looks up at me with a soft smile, "I want to." She sighs, "Just not today, okay?"

I nod. "Can I ask why you even want to tell me though? You hardly know me. I understand if you don't want to."

She puts a hand on my arm and this time, her smile reaches her eyes, "Because you already feel like my sister."


"I can't do this, Veronica."

"Yes, you can." She rolls her eyes.

We're standing outside Preston's huge house. Memories are flooding back to me like a tsunami. It's been so long since I came here for the first and only time, but it almost feels like a home that I moved out of.

"He's not home, I already told you that." She says, walking up the front porch. She puts a key in the lock and turns it without opening the door. "Come on, I have to find some legal documents."

I sigh and follow her into the house.

Suddenly, it's like I'm seeing ghosts. I see me sitting behind the counter in the kitchen as Preston makes crepes. Then, we float up the stairs, Preston with a six pack of beer in hand, and me with a blank stare. Even though I'm downstairs, I can picture our night in his room.

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