Do You Know Me

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Hi guys! Sorry that this one is so short, but as I was writing it, I realized that it wouldn't last very long and that it would be super awkward to continue from where I thought it was natural to stop. Soooo with that being said, here's the next half-chap!

“Thanks.” I mumble, taking the money from the fat man who had been my client moments before.

“You were great, babe.” He said, taking a puff of his cigar.

I forced a smile and left the house, quickly getting into my cab. The entire time the man was doing his thing, huffing and grunting over me, the only thing I could think of was the hurt on Preston’s face when he realized where I was going and what I was going to do.

I felt like I was cheating on him.

A part of me wanted to leave him and save him from this pain, but the other part of me wanted to leave my job and have a life with him instead.

The latter sounded like paradise, but the first sounded like reality.

I weighed my options. I knew that Preston was rich, since I had been to his house once before, but I knew that I could rely on him for money. I had to take in the possibility that we might not be together forever. Then where would I be? I could possibly take my job again, since I knew Randy loved me too much to deny that from me, but my spirits would probably just be crushed from the memories of my time with Preston.

But on the other hand, if I broke what little thing we had going for us, then he could move on to a better life, I could keep the income coming, and I wouldn’t have had my hopes up for a better life.

I internally groaned and chose the second option for the time being. I’d figure it out when it was time to choose.

The cab pulled up to my building and I handed the man some cash. He smiled at me with a hint of pity before driving off.

I wonder if I had said any of that aloud.

Tiredly opening the front door, I shuffled in and flopped down on the bed.

Not moments later, my phone rang throughout the house.

“Hello?” I answered with obvious irritation.

“It’s Kellan, Auden. “ He replied.

I immediately shot up from my bed. Kellan only called when he had big news to tell me. “What is it?”

“One of my investigators found Damian.”

“Where?” I asked, clutching the phone to my ear to make sure I heard him properly.

“Fou-” Kellan said before he was cut off by another phone call.

I hastily pressed ignore and resumed my call with Kellan. “I’m sorry, where is he again?”

“Fourth and – ”

I screamed at the phone. This caller was so damn persistent.

I answered the second line and nearly screeched into the mouth piece, “What?”

“It’s Randy.”

I groaned, “Not now, Randy. I don’t have time for another client. I just got home from one job and I’m doing something really important. Take off of my pay or something, but please, just let me have the night off.” I almost begged.

“Sorry, Auden, no can do. This client is really anxious to meet you.” He responded. “He said that he knows you and that he hasn’t seen you in a while.”

 He paused and started to talk to someone next to him. I listened closer and heard another voice.

Randy spoke again, “He said that this might be one of the only opportunities for you two to see each other.” He sighed, “Auden, can you please just come down to the House? I’m not a damn messenger.”

“Why don’t you let me speak to him?” I wondered, “I have to get back to what I was doing.”

“He can’t.”

I threw up my hands, “I don’t have time for this! Why can’t he? Is he mute?”

“How the hell am I supposed to know?” Randy raised his voice, “Get down here now.”

“Randy, I can’t.”

“He said he’s sorry for leaving you in the first place and he’s asking you to let him redeem himself.”

I froze, “What?”

Randy sighed again, “He said that he’s sorry for not coming back to get you after that night. I don’t know what he means by this, but he’s a good looking guy and it sounds like one kinky night.” He chuckled.

Leave it to Randy to never stay serious for long.

“Oh,” He said, “Got to go. Get your ass down here now.”

I glared at my phone and watched as the call disappeared and the screensaver returned. I wanted to yell. Kellan had hung up while I was talking to Randy.

I gathered some of my stuff and threw it into the bag just in case this client was super particular. I rushed out of my apartment and hailed a taxi.

But of course, none stopped for me.

I nearly sprinted down the street and finally managed to get there without collapsing from exhaustion.

All the time I was running, everything that Randy had said kept gliding through my head. He was sorry? Sorry for leaving me that night?

What night?

I ran up the front porch and swung open the door, ignoring the stares of the other girls. I headed towards Randy’s makeshift office, but the only thing that was running through my mind now was one name.

“Damian.” I whispered, standing frozen at the door.

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