I nodded and ran towards the car.

I have to fix this.

I have to stop Colby from leaving.

Brennan's P.O.V

As I walked into the ladies bathroom, I could hear Mara crying and sniffing.

I looked around to ensure there weren't any more girls in here, as it wouldn't exactly look very normal for me to be in a bathroom.

"Mara?" I shouted as I walked towards the locked door I could hear the crying coming from.

'Go away Brennan' She shouted through the clossed doors.

'Ouch. But, no can do. If I walk out of here without you I'm pretty sure Sam will most likely cut of my arms' I laughed.

'What are you even doing in here anyway? This is the girls bathroom' She asked.

'Well, I think we can all agree that out of Sam, Corey and Elton, I'm more experienced with finding my way around a girls toilet' I attempted to make a joke, but she stayed quiet.

'Look, please just come out and talk to me. It would look a hell of a lot less weird and pervy if I wasn't crouching down outside a toilet door' I asked.

It was still silent for a few seconds but soon she unlocked the door.

I stood up and stared at her, seeing how red her face was from all the tears.

'Did you see drama alerts latest posts?' She asked, walking towards the sink.

'Yeah. We all did' I scratched the back of my head, not knowing what to do or what to say.

'Did you know about the kiss? I mean, you, Sam and Elton all went to find him so you must've known, right'? She turned to face me.

'Well all knew. But Colby wanted a chance to say goodbye before we told you as he didn't want you to hate him before he could properly tell you a goodbye' I replied.

She went silent again.

I could see more tears forming in her eyes.

'What am I gonna do without him Brennan' She sobbed.

I pulled her in for a hug and she then began crying into my shoulder.

'I got you Mara. We all have you'

'Brennan? I need you to do me a favour'

'What is it?'

'Take me to Colby' She asked, pulling away from the hug.

'Mara I don't think thats such a good idea. You've just had surgery and the hospital will never agree to let you out. You need to rest'.

'How am I supposed to rest when the guy I'm in love with is leaving the state? I need to see him. I need this Brennan. Please, I am begging you. Just help me'.

I hesitated for a moment before replying, 'Okay. But, if Sam asks, you held a gun to my head and forced me to do it'.

Mara's P.O.V

I squinted in pain whilst sitting in Brennan's car, 'Hey? Are you okay? I can turn back. Maybe I should take you back to the hospital Mara. You aren't well enough to be out yet'.

'Brennan, I'm fine. Just keep driving, okay?' he nodded in agreement.

Once we arrived at the hospital I ran as quick as possible for someone whos just had a major surgery.

'This is the last call for the flight to Kansas. All passengers should head to gate B now' was the first time I heard coming from the speakers.

Me and Brennan both headed towards the gate, and Colby was stood there.

The Little Sister (Sam Golbach&Colby Brock)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu