Chapter 15

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The night went well with a great game played at the bowling alley. With our help, Maddie won the game. I was surprised too with how well she and Nathan had gotten along. I smile too whenever I saw Nathan talking to my Dad, making the effort he said he would to support my decision to see Dad again. I only wish others would do the same thing.

After bowling Dad took us out for McDonald's. I sat across from Dad and wonder to myself just how could he be everything Lindsay and Mum had said about him. It just didn't make sense at all.

Maddie went to go play on the playground equipment once she had finished eating. Nathan gets up also to disappear to the restrooms, leaving Dad and me on our own.

"Nathan seems like a nice guy," Dad says.

I nod with a smile. "He is. I used to think he was one of those idiotic guys, but he's not."

"That's good to hear. I'm glad you found someone who is going to treat you right. What about your sister? Does she have a boyfriend?"

Oh please! Don't even ask that question, I wanted to say.

All I can say is that it's hard to keep up with Lindsay's boyfriends. One minute she is with one guy then she is with another. She never seems to be happy with one guy. She has to be with more than one in order to be happy. At the moment she can't seem to be with anyone only because she is still in love with Simon McGuire. I don't know why since he is such a jerk at times and Lindsay deserves better than him.

"She has been on and off relationships lately," I explain. "She still has feelings for her ex, and I think she has just started seeing this guy name Troy but I'm not entirely sure. It's often hard to keep up with who she is seeing."

"Well, I hope she finds someone who will make her happy. Hey, are you doing anything on Saturday?"

I think about what I could be doing this Saturday. So far I had no plans, but because Mum and Dereck's wedding was getting close, I would probably be doing last minute arrangements for the wedding before Monday.

"I can't really say yet, but at the moment I have nothing planned for Saturday," I answer. "What do you have in mind?"

"I'm thinking of taking Maddie to the city. She has never been to Sydney before. I thought I might take her to an art gallery. It may be boring for her, but I thought it would be good for her to look at different types of artwork. Maybe something there could inspire her. I thought you would like to come alone too since you have an interest in art."

I wasn't sure how to explain to Dad that I had no interest in visiting an art gallery. Yes, I'm passionate about art, but a gallery just isn't the place I wanted to be. I'm still not sure how I feel about next Friday night when I attend the art show for my entry.

"I will come," I tell him, hoping I won't regret it.

Dad smiles. "Great. Maddie will be so happy to hear that you're coming. Hey, why don't you meet us at our motel on the day? That way your mother wouldn't be suspicious if she sees my car parked outside your home."

I agree to do so. It was the best way to meet up. Having another argument the day before the wedding rehearsal is not the kind of stress I wanted to put my mother through.

"Speaking of art galleries, I entered this art competition in school. Next Friday is the art show for it where the winner of the contest will be announced. Would you like to come to it? Maddie is welcome to come too."

Dad finishes the last of his Coke. "I would love to come to it. But wouldn't your mother be there?"

I nod. "Yes, she will be there. And I don't care if she doesn't want you there, Dad. I want you at the show and there's nothing she can do about it."

What I Still Hate About You (#2 What I Hate About You) (Wattys 2019)Where stories live. Discover now