"Oh my god. Was it that papi who walked past me after I left?"

I nod and smile.

"He looked at me when we were walking past each other, just saying." She shrugs.

Monica and Yari look at me and roll their eyes.

Lia, always has to be the center of attention when it comes to boys.They all like her, she's pretty, nice body, short, smiles a lot, laughs,and is always considered 'cute'.

They always go crazy for her when they barely meet her, she's had a lot of boyfriend's, not as much anymore but ain't going to lie, she still dates a lot of guys, well not as much as back then though. Lia always thinks every guy around her is going to like her, or she can get at them.

Don't get me wrong, Lia's a great friend, I love the girl to death. She listens to me, and helps me out when I'm going through shit. This girl has gone through a lot as well, we understand each other.

That doesn't change the fact that she wants every guy to like her.

I go back to the topic. "Anyways uhh he kinda sorta got super close to me, and we... I don't know if I would call it argue but... yea we talked back and forth."

Monica smiles "So you guys were flirting?"

"No, not flirting...well...yea kinda...I don't know."

"Just suck his dick already." Yari interrupts, being goofy like always.

We all laugh.

"Fuck it?" I say sarcastically.

For the rest of the day we hung out, talked and joked around.

When I got home I laid down and like always, I started think about Victor.

He's so cute and ugh I need to stop thinking about him, he has a girlfriend, she was really pretty, but seemed mad about something, and was yelling at Victor, he probably deserved it too.

I get up and open my laptop, ready to lurk until I find out more.
I kind of a Queen when it comes to lurking.

First I go on Facebook, usually people have accounts from when they were kids, and never deleted.

I type in his first and last name.

Wow their's a lot of Victors.
I keep scrolling, and clicking on each account until I find someone who looks a lot like him.

He looks kind of the same, but now he looks stronger, and has more of a gangster vibe to him...well duh, most people who've lived in the hood most of their life, act or dress gangster...ish. Even if they have nothing to do with a gang.

Girls or even sometimes guys, ask me if I bang, or they think I'm just tryna look like a badass, but it's just how I dress, usually a solid back or white t shirt, dark blue ripped jeans, and black shoes, with winged eyeliner.

Okay anyways so, from what I've seen about his posts, and his bio, his birthday is on July 26.

On his bio he has '408' which must mean he's from San Jose.

I need to find an account from now.

So, I look at one of the guys who would mostly comment on his pictures, click on his profile, and he still uses the same one.


I look for him on Instagram, since that's what everyone uses now days, follow him, and he accepts right away.

I click on who he follows and type in Victor Ramirez.

'No results found'


I type in 'Victor'.

'No results found'

I try again, we live in MoTown, or more specifically Modesto.

The area code from Modesto is '209', and his nickname is 'Vic'.


I bite my lip while it's loading.

'No results found'

"Ugh." I say getting anxious.

He's from San Jose, the area code is '408'

I type in vic408

1 result is found.

"Ha! Found him." I smile.

I look at his profile and it's private.


I look at it for a while, but I don't request.

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