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Chapter 9

-3 Months Later-

Today is the last day before we have a four day weekend for thanksgiving.

Im not really all that exited for it because it's always the same thing every year.

My sister and I cook, my mom ends up getting drunk and passed out, and Jose,my sisters fiancé comes home after the day with his family to eat.

I wake up as usual and get ready for school.

Im tired, cold and just want to get the day over with.

Its minimum day and, my day is going good so far.

During lunch, me and my friends are having a conversation about the guy my friend Yari's talking to.


A while later we're standing in the hallway next to some lockers.

"Look that's the girl that doesn't like me." Yari whispers to us.

We all look at the group of girls walking past us. It's about 6 girls. Which I guess are sophomores.

"Remember what Fernando told me." One of the girls from the group says, obviously trying to make my friend mad or something.

"What the fuck?" Yari says loud enough for them to hear.

They all just start laughing and Yari looks pissed off.

My hands start shaking, I feel a lump of stone in my throat, and all I feel is anger.
No matter what the situation is, I'm very protective of my friends.

After lunch I start walking to 5th period, Math. I always get nervous on my way to this class, because I'm going to see Ulises.

But because of what had just happened I wasn't thinking about Victor at the moment, until I saw him.

Every time I see the kid it's like, I'm under a spell, I feel like I'm walking all lop sided, I have the urge to fix my hair, and I feel incredibly shy even though I'm not having any type of communication with him.

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