Chapter three : Try a little awkwardness

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He was there , right in front of me ... hearing him presenting himself was kind of hallucinating :

" hello my name's Esteban Costan ,i just came back from Argentina ..." that accent... what i thought back then was , too much for a coincidence , Oh shit , was that guy a stalker or something , he came all the way from buenos aires to chicago and in my school, just when i told him . No amelia don't over think it , it's just a coincidence he didn't plan it ,it could've happened to anybody , he told you he would move out , but what if he decided to come here just because of me ?

just when i came back to reality , i heard the teacher asking someone to help him integrate at school and give him some help to catch up all the lessons he missed , we were on november, that guy will probably have a lot to teach him , poor guy ... Then it hit me , the freaking bastard was talking about me !!! i was supposed to be the one helping him , there's no way i could do it .

"i'm sorry but i can't  i have a lot to catch up too , and i won't have enough time to help him " i said shyly 

" well in that case , now you have someone to catch up with " he answered smirking , was he insane ? , as they say in Argentina maldito profesor ( damn teacher ). then he told Esteban to sit next to me while i was supposed to jot down the schedule for him , i hadn't even know that damn schedule ...

whan he sat , i quickly told him " excuse me but i haven't learn the schedule either , however you can take it from someone else , try that guy next to you , he's a smart one , i'm sure he learnt it"

he looked at me for few seconds probably wondering how was i able to talk that fast HaHa , then he just turned and talked to that guy, Bryan , the smart one, but i haven't heard what Bryan answered i was thinking about how awkward this situation was , three days ago i just saw the guy and talked to him , but he was thousand miles away from me , and Now he's sitting next to me and there was few centimeters between us... Crazy isn't it ?

then history began , the teacher was making us re-live the second world war , i was breathless while watching the video the teacher had put for us to see the real circulstances soldiers were in during the war , when we finished he  gave us a project to do for next month and we were supposed to work in groups , always worked by myself though , cassie was working everytime with steven , and i was left alone but i wasn't complaining , working by myself meant working peacefully at whatever time i wanted . 

Unfortunately , the teacher had decided something else , he thought it was time for me to start working in a team , because right before the bell rang , he just anounced " Please Miss SCOTT , since you're helping your new classmate integrate , work together on the project " , then he just went out leaving me shocked . Great , now i had to see that guy everyday at school and also work with him ...

I suddenly stood up and left the class leaving him there , i knew i had to show him arround but this could wait , i couldn't do it now, i just couldn't . I went to my locker to put some books, then the day went on pretty normally, i had seen Esteban again in other subjects but we hadn't talked since history. At the end on the day, I headed to the bus and sat there waiting for everyone to get up when he entered and sat right behind the driver , he didn't say anything, so did i . i put on my earphones and started listening to some music until i finally recognised my street and started walking towards the door  when suddenly someone grabbed my hand and put a piece of paper on it . It was Esteban , when i finally got out of the bus , i opened the paper and started reading . It was the school's schedule.

He actually gave it to me ,he remembered i told him  i hadn't had it, that was sweet . However when i opened the door , the day went by pretty normal , i started cooking dinner and ate when Caleb arrived , then finally went to do some homework before i slept and surely i was going to dream about two hazel eyes haunting me ...

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