Chapter Fifty-Three - It's Possible

Start from the beginning

I shook my head. "What other options are there?"

He took a deep breath before settling his gaze on me. His hands still cradled his neck. "You want to avoid the wolves?"

"Well, yes, but I don't see how that's possible with Will, now."

"It's possible."

I waited for an answer, but Samuel never gave me one. He searched my eyes instead, confliction raging behind his own. His mouth hung open with every word he held back.

"How?" I eventually whispered.

He held my gaze for a moment longer. Then, his hands dropped, and he stood. "Come with me."

The next moments happened in a blur. I followed Samuel out of the room and back into my own. He left me there for a few moments, instructing me to wait for him to come back. Sure enough, a few minutes later, he walked through my bedroom door with my shoes and one of his jackets. He had already changed into warmer clothes and was wearing shoes, as well.

"What's going on?"

He gave me my shoes and held onto the spare jacket as I put them on. "I need to show you something."

There was little other conversation as I laced up my shoes and took Samuel's jacket. When I was sufficiently drowning in it, he took me by the hand and led me out of my room, once more. The house was still as quiet as ever, and we saw no one as we trekked through the hallways. Samuel led us to the back door, where he hesitated.

"Don't leave my side, okay? Just for tonight."

I faltered. "Where would I go?"

A ghost of a smile graced Samuel's lips. He opened his mouth to say something, shook his head, and dropped his gaze. Instead, he turned to the door and opened it, pulling me through the exit.

The night was dark, though lighter than before. The sun was still nowhere in sight, but the moon was not as high in the sky. We both hopped into a truck, where Samuel put the car in drive without turning it on. He stood outside the driver's door and steered the car, pushing it until we were far enough away not to disturb the house with the sound of the engine. I tried to get out and help at one point, but after a sharp look from Samuel, I settled into the seat. 

When we were finally driving down the road, I couldn't help my eyes from shutting. The hum of the engine lulled me into sleep and I was in no condition for a fight. Samuel urged me to shut my eyes for a few minutes, and to my surprise, I did. 

When I awoke it was only a short time later. The sky hadn't changed, but our surroundings had. We were back in the middle of town, parked outside Samuel's apartment building. He didn't say anything as he jumped out of the car and came to open my door for me. I took his hand and didn't release it as we walked into the brick building. 

Even as we walked into the large building, Samuel kept quiet. He would shoot glances my way, but every time I would look at him, he'd flinch back. He never dropped my hand though, and for once, I didn't force him away. Whether out of anxiety or a need for comfort, I didn't know.

We walked through the corridors of the apartment building, hand in hand, without saying a word. My mind was racing with the possibilities of what Samuel wanted to show me, but I kept my curiosity inside. I could tell Samuel was deep in thought and fighting against himself. Whatever this was, he didn't want me to know, but for whatever reason, he'd decided to show me.

We rounded the last corner and Samuel's red door came into view. His step faltered as we both stared at it. I tried to hold back my sudden smile at the wide-eyed expression Samuel adorned.

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