Chapter 1

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The Visual Arts classroom would have been peaceful if it wasn't for the sound of laughter or chatter in the playground, as well as in the staffroom. I enjoy the peace even if it wasn't much, being able to be alone in the classroom. I never enjoy working on my drawings with others around me as their judging eyes pierce through me. I was glad when my teacher allowed me to come in here during my lunch break to work on my artwork.

I eat my lunch quickly before I do any work on my drawing, not wanting any food stains on my canvas. As I eat, I smile at the photograph I had pinned up next to the canvas of the picture I had drawn of my boyfriend Nathan.

The photograph was taken back in February on the last day of summer. The picture showed Nathan and me cuddling up to each other on Bondi Beach. My twin sister, Lindsay, was the one who had taken the photo. We may be twins, but we both had different interest. Lindsay was into photography while I was into art. I liked to copy photos and turn them into black and white drawings. Art had always been my passion.

The day the picture was taken was probably the first time my sister and I have gotten along well in years, or even done anything together as sisters. In the last six years I have drifted from Lindsay, with it now being June we have been doing everything we can to repair our relationship.

And then there's Nathan, the boy who somehow made me fall in love with him. As I sketch the picture of my boyfriend and me from the photo onto the canvas, I can't help but wonder what Nathan had ever seen in me. I was a lost girl when I first met him, so full of anger and I had trouble trusting people. I never wanted to be in a relationship, but there was something about him that made me give him a chance. He was the first person in a very long time that I had let in, telling him about my secrets that made me hate everyone. If it wasn't for him, I would still be that girl who was angry with the world.

I was shading Nathan's hair with my lead pencil when someone came up from behind me and slipped their arms around my waist. I was ready to jab my elbow into the person's ribs, hating how the person has snuck up on me without acknowledging themselves, but when they began to kiss my neck, I relax. It's only Nathan, who is doing his very best to distract me from my work.

"What are you doing in here, Nathan?" I ask him. "I told you I didn't want you to come visit me while I was working on my drawing."

"Yes, I know you wanted to be left alone to complete you work," Nathan answers. "I just wanted to see how your drawing has turned out. I know you don't like anyone seeing your work until it's completed, but I couldn't stop thinking about you." He looks up at the picture I have drawn. "It looks fantastic, Alex. It looks just like the photo."

I roll my eyes. "Duh. It's supposed to look like the photo."

"I know, but I can't believe how accurate you're able to make it. I could never do it. This drawing is absolute amazing. I know nothing about art, but I do know you will win this art competition no matter what. Any ideas on what you're spending the prize money on if you win?"

I think about it for a second. I'm not much of a money spender, unlike my sister. As this was the first art competition I was entering, I wasn't sure on what to expect. Maybe I will spend the money on new art supplies.

"How about we spend the money on some time away together?" Nathan suggests when I don't answer, swirling me around so I was facing him, his hands still resting on my waist. "Let's get away for the weekend, just you and me?"

I smile at the idea. It was the perfect way to spend the money. I wasn't sure if my mum would allow me to go away with him for the weekend, but since I recently turned eighteen I was sure she would be okay with it. I don't remember the last time I got away from here. "That's sounds great. But it has to be after my mum's wedding."

What I Still Hate About You (#2 What I Hate About You) (Wattys 2019)Where stories live. Discover now