betrayed pt. 2 [t.h.]

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Word Count: 2.1k+
A/N: YALL WANTED A PART 2 SO HERE IT IS (i'm sorry the ending is shit,, also i didn't proof read the last half of this oops) ENJOY
Warnings: Like one swear word lol


You immediately broke down the second after Tom closed the front door. You were doubled over on the couch, your arms wrapped around your stomach as if to hold yourself together because all you could feel was being ripped apart. You heard what he said, but didn't allow yourself to act on it because a voice in your head told you that he didn't deserve that satisfaction. Instead, you did the next impulsive thing you thought of and fumbled for your phone, calling Tom's best friend Harrison.

Heaving sobs filled the silence between each ring, though you heard yourself stop as soon as Harrison's tired voice was in your ear. "Hello? Is everything alright, Y/N? It's the middle of the night."

A slow second passed, though your mind was racing for what to say. You instead let your heart do the talking, not even hearing yourself as you replied to him between sniffles. "Did you know?" Your voice came out weaker than you thought it would.

You expected him to hesitate, remembering Tom's call with him earlier. Harrison's voice carried through the phone with even more worry than before. "Only since we hung out earlier today. If it makes you feel any better, I punched him."

You took a deep breath you were unaware of holding, more tears coming with a steady flow as you laid yourself on the couch in fetal position.

Harrison spoke again, though knowing the answer to his question. "Y/N? Are you okay?"

Every syllable he said emptied your chest, leaving you to feel hollow. You weren't sure how you were still able to function properly. It took you a couple minutes to gather yourself, but Harrison remained patient on the line. "He-" you were hyperventilating, your face scrunching in pain though you knew you were physically fine. "He cheated," you said in disbelief, as if Harrison didn't just admit that he knew already.

Your head was buzzing and ears were ringing, making you unaware of the shuffling coming from Harrison's end. He said, "I'm on my way." The call ended and you were left alone all over again.

Harrison opened the door with his spare key and found you awake in the same position. A dark blob was on the cushion of the couch underneath your face, which Harrison assumed was from tears that still seeped out of your eyes. He looked pityingly at the sad mess of you, retrieving tissues before he moved your dead-like body. He sat you upright, still clutching your legs, and had you lean on him. He wrapped his arms around you with a hand stroking your tangled hair. "I know, Y/N," he whispered. "I know. I know."

After you told Haz that you decided you didn't want to even associate with Tom ever again, you cleaned yourself up. You refused to let a stupid boy ruin you like this, and Harrison agreed despite Tom being his best friend. You gave Harrison your phone so he could delete all the pictures, videos, messages, and social media posts without you having to look at it all one last time. He helped empty the apartment of Tom's belongings and whatever reminded you of him, putting everything in a few boxes then placing it in the hall next to the front door.

Eventually the night turned to morning, and though you were awake the entirety of it and consumed with heavy sobs every now and then, you felt like at least a fraction of your sadness was lifted from your shoulders after getting rid of everything. Harrison would allow you to cry into his chest as he hugged you knowingly. "Don't worry," he would whisper. "You're not alone. Don't worry. I'm here. That's what friends are for."

He stayed true to his word, always by your side as soon as you needed him again. You knew when Harrison wasn't with you he was with Tom, but you understood. They were still best friends, and you and Harrison were still good friends as well. Nothing would change that, and you were grateful Haz didn't stop being your friend when you and Tom were no longer together.

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