a temporary home pt. 2 [t.h. & h.o.]

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Word Count: a rocky 5.9k
A/N: yay i've finally got it up!! let me know what you think 🤗


Distant music entered your dreams until you softly woke. You opened your eyes, met with yellow morning light that glowed around the room, peeking through closed curtains. You stared at them and wondered why they didn't seem right until you realized it was because they weren't yours.

You lifted your head slightly and looked around the room, realizing it was Harrison's. The curtains were his. The duvet covering your body was his, as well as the clothes you wore. The heavy mass next to you was him, still asleep and laying on his belly.

You rubbed your eyes and carefully sat up so not to wake him. You checked the time on your phone from the nightstand next to you, reading it was too early in the morning for either of the boys to be up.

You laughed at yourself while you assessed your surroundings, amused that you didn't remember you were now living with them. It wasn't the first time waking up in Harrison's bed, but for some reason it felt odd. New. Promising.

You realized the music that invaded your dreams happened to be coming from the ceiling, which was probably from whoever lived above. Your new neighbor, you could say.

Quietly, you left Harrison's room and tiptoed to what you could now call your own. You shut the door and said to yourself, "Alright, Y/N. Just unbox really quick then you can eat breakfast." Your eyes went from one side of the room to the other, the messily placed bags and boxes overwhelming you.


Tom woke to the glorious smell of cooked food, which immediately got him out of bed with eager confusion. Harrison cooked from time to time but only ever at night, so the smell was an odd intruder.
The brunette lumbered out of his room and caught on to the sound of soft voices from the kitchen.

". . . sounds fun and all, but I could never go with my friends because I was always working." Silverware clinking plates followed after your voice.

Tom didn't try to be quiet when he approached the two bodies, his feet shuffling heavily against the hardwood floor, but a deeper voice carried on with the conversation.

"Well now you've got no excuse, so I'm definitely taking you, love." Harrison didn't even try to hide his excitement. "Should be fireworks tonight as well."

The blond seemed to be waiting for your response, but you looked up to have your gaze meet Tom's when he finally moved to your line of sight. Harrison was sat closest to him on one side of the kitchen island, back facing away from Tom, while you were stood on the other side. Your plates on the island still had food on them, and Tom realized the two of you were still eating. He sat next to Haz and rested his elbows on the countertop.

You smiled at him. "Good morning, Tom! Want me to fix you a plate? I just finished cooking like ten minutes ago, so food's still warm." You were already turning around to ready his breakfast before he could even nod.

"Oh, sure," he said, a bit surprised. His eyes still felt heavy from just waking up and he was definitely too tired to object or question your manner. "Morning, mate," he said to Haz, and patted his friend's back as a greeting. "What're you two on about?"

Harrison turned his body to face Tom's, clearly wide awake and beaming.

"Apparently Y/N's not been to that fair they have 'round here every year, so I'll be taking her today." He proceeded to eat the sunny-side up eggs on his plate, and Tom stayed silent despite knowing Harrison hated eggs cooked like that.

Tom Holland/Peter Parker ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz