Part three/895 words

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"it's very nice to meet you Blair, I'm Greyson" he said and I just looked at him and nodded "see I told you he was handsome"gramma jojo said and i saw Greyson blush "and an asshole" I murmured to myself making sure they didn't hear

"Blair here was reading me a book, a romance book" she said as Greyson took a set next to he "oh really well I would love to hear" he said with a smirk looking at me "actually I'm very sorry gramma jojo but I should really get going I have to un.. work yeah work" i lied "it's okay sweetie well I'll see you tomorrow" she said  sweetly and i got my stuff and walked away.

I didn't want to be there with him. I got in my car and drove to my favorite restaurant then get down. I walked it taking a seat then ordering some food. Damn I'm hungry i for sure didn't het full with that bagel.

I feel so tired and sleepy. A coffee will do me good right now, so I ordered one i rarely drink coffee because I don't want to get addicted to it and end up staining my teeth.

I took out a book and read. I love reading romance stories even tho sometimes they can be very cringy. I would like to have someone but I don't need that someone to survive so I'm good.


I saw her leave then turned to my grandma. I have no idea how my parents could do such thing of leaving her here and then not letting me visit her "grandma who was she" I asked curious of the girl "she is a volunteer here. She has been for 3 years" my grandma said and I nodded. She was quite pretty I wonder how old she is. Wait no snap out of it "she is 16" my grandma said wait did i say that out loud "and single" she added and I laughed "i have a girlfriend" i lied.

"hum that's too bad i think you two looked great together" she said as she stood up "wait were are you going" I asked standing up "i need a nap" she yawed walking away "I'll come back later once you're up" I said and she smiled.

I walked out the place. I was hungry but I didn't really know any places around this area. I grew up not gonna lie in a mansion with everything i wanted and always eating in really fancy restaurants. I didn't want to go back home so i drove around trying to find a place to eat. Hopefully not ending up getting lost.

I found a small restaurant. Anything would be good right now with the hunger i have. I got down and walked inside. It was a very ordinary looking place with waitresses walking around with food and people drinking coffee or a shake as they sat in a stool.

I look around and to my surprise i see a girl, Blair. I walk up to her "didn't you say you had to go to work" i was as she looked up at me and groaned loudly "you" she scoffed at me "yes me" i said back "look can you just leave me alone so i can enjoy my coffee" she said to me "you know coffee my stain those pretty pearly white teeth of yours" i said and walked to a table and sat.

Quickly a waitress around 18 I'm guessing walked up to me "now what may i get you handsome" she said and a smirk "I don't know what can you give me" I smirk leaning closer and her face turned red "could you get me a water, I'm quite thirsty" I said winking at her "right away" she said to me with a grin and walked away. I turned and saw Blair looking at me then once she noticed I caught her she rolled her eyes at me.

I ordered some food and ate. Once i was done I payed and left the waitress my number. What I'm a teenage fvckboy. Girls everywhere dying to be in bed with me.

I walked out the place and was starting to walk to my car when I heard someone call my name I turned to see Blair "yes?" I asked and she walked up to me "you know your grandma has been very lonely for several years. Why come now" i saw i bit surprised to hear the "my parents never let me go visit in fact i hand not long ago just found out were she was" i said telling the truth "please keep visiting her. She got very happy yesterday to know someone cam to see her" she said and I nodded.

"sure will" I said then walked to my car but stopped "wanna go out to get some ice cream or something" I asked and I heard her laugh "i don't do that cliche BS" she and walked away.

Wow she is something. No girl has ever rejected a request of mine so that was a shocker. She acts like she doesn't care "we'll see about that" I said with a evil smirk.
Sorry its a little short
Comment if you would like me to maybe start putting some background music 👍🏻

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