Part two/1121 words

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I turn slowly "nothing" I said to him and he raised an eyebrow at me "you sure because I clearly heard you called me a name that is not so appropriate for your age" he said making me roll my eyes "you're like what 11?" He is really getting on my nerves "im 16!" I said annoyed "you know what I don't have time for this" I said raising my a as I turned and walked away.

He thinks that Just because he is over here all high class he can treat people like that. I went over to the table and grabbed my stuff walking out the building. I got home and walked in.

"You're home early" my mother said "I didn't feel good" i lied and walked up to my room once i saw my mother nod.

I look at myself in the mirror. A short 5'2 girl with short messy black hair some freckles and green eyes average size body i guess with some curves. I don't like being short but I guess sometimes it can be convenient like when i want to wear short skirt or something.

I walk to my bathroom and take a quick shower then change to some pjs. I grab my phone and then connect it to my speakers putting some music then dancing along.

After all of that i sat on my bay window looking out remembering gramma Jojo words 'love is a beautiful thing you know' I sigh. If only I could find someone...


I get up from my bed and grab a denim short overall a white shirt and my white vans. Today is a Friday Thankfully no school YEI! I changed and went downstairs "will you be at the nursing home all day today" my father asked me as he drank his coffee and i nod "not all day but most of my day" I said grabbing a bagel and putting cream cheese on it with a knife, and made breakfast for my mom.

I sit down and eat "im very proud of you and how you changed" he said looking at me and I smiled "I needed to" I finished my bagel.

"Bye dad" I said kissing his cheek "oh and tell mom that i left her some breakfast in the kitchen" I said grabbing my bag "shoot i need to brush my teeth" I said running to my bathroom and quickly brush them and then rinsing out my mouth then cleaning it off with a towel. I smile, i love my teeth.

I make it to the nursing home and walk in seeing gramma Jojo "good morning" I said taking a seat in front of her. I saw she had a smile on her face "why so happy" I asked with a smile "my grandson came to visit me yesterday" she said with a smile. It had been a long time since family had come to visit her.

"Really wow that's great, when was the last time you had seen him" I asked "don't really remember but I just know it was quite a long time ago" she said down "so what did he say" I asked curiously "he said his mother never brought him to see me and got curious and found me" she said looking up "tell me more about him" I said leaning on my chair "his name is Greyson handsome young man he is mm I'm not sure I remember but around your age" she said then smirked "what?" I asked confused "next time I'll ask if he is single" she said making me laugh "no" I said smiling.

"Come on he is real handsome" she said "did he say when he was going to come back" I asked "he said he might come today and more often" she said happily "I'm glad to hear that" I said truly. It's nice to know that she is happy.

"Let's play a game" she said making me smile "okay well what do you want to play" I said brightly "no wait do you still have the book you told me about yesterday" she asked and I nodded "you better have not started reading it before you read it to me" she said and i shook my head "no I haven't read it" I smiled "good" she said.

I read her the book for a while. We read around 10 chapters "I'm hungry dear would you mind bringing me a snack" she added me sweetly and I nodded standing up "I'll be right back" I smiled at het. My legs were so numb. I walked to were they had snacks and I was about to grab some crackers when someone got them before me "heyy" i whined looking up "ugh you again" I sigh looking to see the same guy from yesterday.

"Nice to see you too again" he said with a smirk making me scoff "oh come on don't tell me you aren't dying of happiness to see me again" he said. Ugh he may be attractive but is apparently a ass "fvck off" I said lowly just loud enough for only him to hear.

"That is not such an appropriate language for a girl like you" he said "oh yeah and what is a girl like me" I said crossing my arms over my chest. I saw him about to speak but an elderly man came up to the snacks "you two are such a lovely couple" the old man said with a sigh "I remember when I first met my wife. You treat her well young man" he said pointing at the guy "oh we are n-" i was speaking but i got cut off by the guy and felt him pull me close "sure will" he said playing along with what the old man said.

Once the elderly man left i pushed the guy away "what was that!" I said "oh come on I just didn't want to disappoint the old man" he said and i shook my head grabbing the snacks and walking up to gramma Jojo.

"Sorry i took so long" i said opening some snacks for her "it's alright dear" she said with a smile. I looked up and saw the guy walking up to us and I groaned. I looked at gramma jojo and saw her looking at him with a bright smile on her face. The guy walked up to us and hugged gramma jojo then pulled away "look dear this is my grandson the one i was tell you about" she said making me freeze "this is Blair" she said to the guy and he smirked "it's very nice to meet you Blair, I'm Greyson"

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