Part one/1220 words

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I stare at the paper in front of me laying on my desk, my report card. Straight As as usual. I have not always been the person i am today..a few years back I decided to change. I used to be that fashionable girly girl who would be late to class always on her phone and talking to her friends at the back of the class while not paying attention. I noticed all that wasn't going to help me, so I changed. Now i guess you can say in the nerdy girl with a braid sitting in the front of the class quietly doing her work. I don't mind being like this infant i actually love who i am now.

The bell ranged finally and I stood up and packed up. I felt someone bump in to me, purposely may i add "oops didn't see you there" I turned to see Esmeralda my old best friend. Ever since I changed so did her but not in the same way as me. She became a little spoiled bratty bi- "I mean you are quite invisible" she said making me roll my eyes. I grabbed my backpack putting it over my shoulder and walking put the class ignoring her.

I get in to my car a drive home to change. I walk inside my house and my mom is in the kitchen cooking "hey sweetheart how was school" my mother asked me as she cut some vegetables "alright i guess, I'm going to head upstairs to my room to change then I'm leaving to the nursing home" i say starting to walk to the stairs "but i made salad your favorite" she said with a pout "fine okay I'll change and quickly eat before leaving" I said with a sigh then walked to my room.

I change to some ripped jeans my black converse and a loose white T-shirt. As a head downstairs i can hear my little brother shouting most likely at the tv while he played video games. I make my way to the kitchen grabbing a plate and putting some salad on it. I quickly eat and put my plate in the sink before I run to the door "bye mom I'll be back by 7!" I shout grabbing my sweater and heading out the door.

I like going to the nursing home..yes sometimes i can be depressing seeing how the elderly people get sad because they haven't been visited by family in such a long time but it can also be very hear touching seeing them smile seeing that there is still people who care and would love to hear them out or even play a game without them.

I get out of my car and go inside the building "Blair!" I turn to see ms.Johnson with a smile on her face. I walk over to her "hi gramma jojo" she had asked me to call her that around 2 years ago. Gramma jojo is the sweetest person I've ever met and gives the best advice ever and also tells the most interesting stories.

"oh come here you little cupcake" she said making me smile as I lean in and hug her then pull away "so how was school. Better gotten good grades missy" she said pointing a finger at me "it was good and yes I got good grades" I laughed "so shall i read you a story! I went to the library yesterday and got this romance book that seems very interesting" i say excitedly as i take a seat in the chair in front of her "uu romance huh?" She said with a slight smirk to me and I blush "oh come on you have to have a boyfriend put there somewhere" she said to me. Nope no boyfriend "I don't have a boyfriend, I don't have time for a boyfriend and I don't want nor need a boyfriend" i say with a proud smile as i take out the book "so you don't want a boyfriend like at all" she said. Okay what is this lady trying to do "no I don't want one" i say looking at the book.

"love is very beautiful thing you now" she said and I looked up at her "of all 3 years I've been here you've never seen to really have an interest in my love life" I say and she laughed "you are 16 now, you can understand it better and is not a bad age to star talking about it" she said with a shrug "do you have any love stories?" I asked curiously and I herd her sigh deeply "just one" she said looking down "would you like to hear" she asked me looking up and i nod putting my elbows on the table between us and my chin on my palms intrigued.

"It was 1969, i was your age 16. I was a work while it was raining hard outside. I worked at a dinner, i had to close that day so when i was about to close this guy came in socking wet 'sorry but i was about to close' i remember saying to him" she laughed before continuing "he looked at me with a sad face 'please could i just stay here at least while it stops raining' he had said to me with his British accent. I just nodded but the silence made it awkward so I asked if he wanted some coffee and so he said yes and i made us coffee. We ended up taking for around an hour before it stopped raining 'looks like the rain stop i-i should get going' I remember him saying as we stood up walking to the door 'I cannot let you leave alone. It's pretty late now and a pretty girl like you shouldn't be walking alone in the streets' his words had made me smile. I nodded before I closed the dinner then he walked me home" she said looking up at me.

"PLEASE tell me there's more!" I said wanting to hear more "yes there is more but maybe for another day dear" i herd her yawn "are you tired" I asked and she nodded "okay well we'll get you to your room so you can rest" I said with a smile.

I took her to her room then started walking back to were my stuff were at. I was walking then I felt someone walk in to me harshly "watch it!" The person said and i looked up to see a guy probably 18 as he straighten his coat obviously I high class son of a "b-but you were the one who bumped in to me" I said lowly and herd him scoff "im pretty sure that if you weren't so busy looking at the ground then you would have noticed you were the one who bumped in to me" he said with a tone "fine sorry,have a nice day" I mumbled walking away not wanting problems.

"Asshole" I said annoyed "what did you say darling" I heard him and i froze in my place not wanting to look back 'shi he herd me'

Hope you guys liked it and keep reading. I vey exited to write this story!
Lots of love❤️

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