Chapter 8

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I was sitting on my bed in my room reading the Hunger Games. It was getting really good and I planned on finishing it by the end of the day. I was rudly interupted by Keaton barging into my room. "Hey Ellie," he said way too cheerfully. "Do you want to-"

"Shh." I put my index finger to my mouth. "Peeta and Katniss are about to eat the berries." I had already seen the movie so I knew how it ended, but it was still rude how Keaton bardged in here.

"Hey," Keaton pressed his palms to his ears to block me out. "Don't ruin it for me," Keaton joked.

He came to the side of my bed and sat down with me. He had a helmet in his hand and he was spinning it back and forth, unaware of what he was doing. "Are you feeling better?" he asked. I nodded, showing that I appreciated his simpathy, but didn't want to talk about it. "Do you want to go to the skate park with me?" he asked.

I looked at the clock. It was 3 o'clock. I had promised Lydia that I would help her with dinner tonight, but I had plenty of time. "Sure," I answered Keaton as I walked to my dresser to get socks. I put them on and followed Keaton downstairs. He opened the door for me and I walked into the garage. I put my sneakers on and walked to his box of assorted skate boards.

He had so many. They all seemed to have different logo's on them and they were all differnet colors. Keaton saw me looking in the box and walked over to me. He looked in as well, "See any you like?"

I looked at him confused but figured I should answer his question. "Um," I bent down looking into the box and started to move them around. I found one that was a light turqouise and had a monster logo on it. I pulled it out and showed Keaton. "I like this one."

"What do you like about it, the color?" he asked.

"It is kind of girly, isn't it?" I retorted.

Keaton's jaw dropped. "I am apalled. That is not girly." He snatched the board from my hand. "I was going to give it to you, but if you can't respect the board, then maybe you aren't ready for one." He went to put the board back in the box when I stopped him.

"No." I put my hand on the opposite end of his to stop him from putting it in the box. "I was kidding, I love the color." He still didn't look satisfied. "And the logo?" I asked questioningly.

"That's better. Now here you go." He handed me the board and the helmet that he had in his hands.

"What's this?" I asked holding up the helmet.

Keaton looked at me like I was stupid. "That dear is a helmet. Say it with me, helmet," he said slowly.

I hit his arm playfully. "I know what it is, why do I have it?"

"Because you are going to ride a skateborad today." He started to walk out of the garage and I quickly followed him.

"What are you talking about?" I asked completely confused.

"You'll see." Keaton put down his skateboard and got on it. He road down the road and left me standing there with the board and helmet in my hands. I dropped my jaw and raised my eyebrows. How dare he?

Me and Keaton eventually made it to the skate park. He abandoned me. In the street. Alone. When he came back for me I hit him in the back of the head and made him carry my skateboard and helmet. He set the helmet on my head and carried the skate board. Even with two skate boards to carry he was still faster than me. He complained that I was walking too slowly, but I was just taking my time.

When we got to the skate park, Keaton left me at the bleachers for a minute so he could tell his friends that he would be teaching me, to start. When he was walking over to me, I saw that Ary was giving me death glares from behind him. Honestly, what did I do to her?

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