Chapter 5

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Mik and Kakashi needed to leave the bar before the crowd started to thin for the night. They couldn't risk being there when the other patrons started to actually pay attention to who was around them. Tsunade had technically only said to make sure she remains in the village, not just in his apartment. However, it wasn't much of a stretch to assume that Tsunade wouldn't appreciate it if they became drinking buddies.

Kakashi flipped off the living room window as he crossed it. They were going to his bedroom. Since neither of them wanted to be near that specific window at night, they were short for options of where to hang out. Kakashi double-checked the window in his room while Mik flopped on one side of the bed. Kakashi followed suit next to her.

"You know," Kakashi slurred, fixing his arm under the pillow he'd lied down on as he looked at Mik. "Everything you've told me so far has sounded like utter bullshit – and yet, I believe you."

"Thanks," Mik sighed. "I think this would be a lot harder for me to deal with if you didn't."

Kakashi hummed thoughtfully. "You don't seem like you're that worried about getting out of this."

"Not yet that is, this whole situation hasn't really sunken in." Mik shrugged, "Plus, I get into weird shit all the time. Not this weird, but still. Things usually work out."

"Huh, that's pretty optimistic of you," Kakashi smiled, "Lazy, too."

Mik winked, "You got me all figured out."

Kakashi laughed, but it was quickly followed by a yawn that was then passed on to Mik.

"Should I move to the couch?" Mik asked. It was easy to see that exhaustion was hitting Kakashi at a rapid rate.

"No..." He nuzzled his face into his pillow, moving onto his stomach. "Do you want me to go?"

"I know you don't want to be near that window," Mik giggled.

"Hmm..." Kakashi mumbled. "Stay."

Mik rolled over, trying not to let her thoughts keep her up. They slept with the light on.


Mik woke up alone in the bed, sunlight shining on her face from the now open window. Clearly, Kakashi had gotten over his feelings about the window thing, but she hadn't. She quickly left the room.

Kakashi was on his way in, and while normal people would've just bumped into each other, he quickly pulled the brakes just in time. He handed her the glass of water and pain killers he was bringing for her.

"I left a new toothbrush for you in the bathroom," Kakashi said. "Iruka will be bringing by some clothes for you from Tsunade, so you'll be able to shower soon. Thankfully. There are bandages in there as well."

"Thanks, dick." Mik stuck her tongue out at him and then downed the pain killers.

Kakashi snorted and moved to sit on the couch. The window in the living room hadn't been opened. He still had some understandable apprehension about it.

"I have to go speak to Tsunade. I'm going to tell her what you told me." Kakashi said. "Iruka will stay with you while I'm gone."

"He's that curious about me, huh?" Mik giggled, taking a seat next to him.

"Well, yeah," Kakashi shrugged. "Also, I'd rather not involve any more people in this. He's already seen you, so he might as well help me."

"Fair enough," Mik nodded. The doorbell rang.

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