Chapter 16 | Beyond the cold border

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I went along looking at the trees of the rainforest, some of the trees lost their leafs, and some were turning dead. Curiosity killed the cheerfulness as I moved on, leaving a trail of wanting to journey on. Along this adventerous journey I thought I was going to die; turns out death is in the market of this whole place called T.E.L.O.W. I headed east and northeast to where the element of ice should be and quickly started to get goose bumbs as it went from chilly to cold. Crossing my arms and rubbing them, my breath started to show every time I exhaled. There wasn't even ice! No snow! No rain, there was only coldness, and humidity started to go away; the rainforest was almost quiet and cold. All that and I didn't stop walking, I didn't care what lies ahead, how cold it's gonna be, but there it was, the end of the rainforest. The border between Ice and Earth, cold and humid, a new place to explore, a new place to discover. Gently I touched the border with my pointer finger and grasped my hand as I felt the cold blizzard air. I was shocked of how cold the element of Ice was, below zero, could have been a little less or more cold than this terrible weather. I took a deep breath, took a step through the border and felt the blizzard freeze the only warmth in my body. "Holy shit! Oh my god it's so cold! No wonder why it's called the element of ice! I'm Fucking freezing! Ok I have to just hurry up!" I shivered. I didn't turn back, I ran, because I heard if you're cold and you run you can resist the cold temperature. I don't know if that's true or not, but I will just take that theory for the sake of my health I suppose. I can't remember where I even got that from I guess I'll just go with the breeze. As I ran, my leather boots were starting to sink by the deep snow so I stumbled and pushed my way further but had trouble doing so. Each step I took the snow would start filling up with more snow because of the blizzard. I fell a lot only this time I got to a point where I tripped and fell onto the cold snow face flat. I couldn't feel my face no more it was as numb and solid as a melon, my whole body froze too, however with courage, I managed to get up on my two feet. Furthermore, the coldness struck me more and more with ever step I ever took, becoming to cold to do anything, but somethings sparked my brain to keep going and so I did. Perhaps it was the feeling of doubt and weakness that this chilling air wouldn't let me conjure this awful task. Pretty soon I got tired so I started walking, all was ahead was snow, snow, snow, and blizzard nothing else. I glanced at my cold wrist watch and an hour had passed, but suprisingly I didn't die of hypothermia, humans aren't really capable of lasting an hour in a cold blizzard that is probably below zero. I was starting to question why I haven't died of hypothermia yet because if the element of Ice is all just snow and blizzards I'll start to sob while curling up into a ball in the cold snow. However, I saw a glimpse of a blue shadow through the rough blizzard and slowly emerged it. The shadow started from looking like a blob, then a horse, then a elephant, then a dragon, but this was an ice dragon. It has got to have some sort of ability that has to do with the element of Ice like a frost breath, since it is a ice dragon right? Usually dragons have breath powers mabey this one has different ones? I don't know yet, it looks like it would have special powers though. I am going to be real right now, this would have been the stupidest thing I have ever done in my entire life if I didn't meet Leru, but this dragon is much smaller. It could be very deadly though, but I also needed help and directions, so this had to be done for the great or good. I stood behind it, "Hello?" I questioned nervously freezing while I moved around to see it's face. The dragon was fast asleep, curled into a ball position, and way to comfy to even try to wake up. Usually in stories, a dragon would wake up by any appearance and start breathing its breath, except it is sleepy still. To be honest though other than it sleeping, it doesn't look like a Ice dragon I was looking forward to seeing. I thought of it having sharp teeth, a fierce face, long pointy claws, sharper spikes, a beastly body, and chilling scales. Instead it had dull claws, dull spikes, dull teeth, and reading glasses which is pretty weird for a dragon to have. Its skin color is light blue and its spikes, claws, and teeth were like ice, crystal clear with a hint of blue. Next to the Ice dragon was a parka suit, the color of it is a brownish-blue and apparently it looks like it could fit anyone around my size. By me observing the area in which the dragon sleeps, with haste, the dragon turned to the other side from where I was standing. I was ready, "Um hello? Can you speak? I am kind of freezing, so I you cannot talk then I might as well leave you and your slumber." I explained. "What time is it?" The dragon finally questioned in a female voice. Assuming from its voice, its obivously a female dragon. Her voice sounds like a 30 year old librarian, so she probably owns some sort of a library? I don't really know yet at the moment. "Were in the afternoon? Are you okay by any chance?" I said. I just guessed the time I don't really care since I'm in a different world now. "Oh I'm just tired and I am waiting for someone." She yawned. " Oh and who will that be?" I asked carelessly. "The chosen one, they're going to be here any hour. I want to give them this clothing I made so they can feel warm in this frozen place." She explained. "Oh, well, its upsetting that your late because the chosen one is standing right behind you." I responded. "Chosen one, behind me?" She questioned. There was a moment of silence. Her body stood still in the same position, but she raised her head. She swayed her head to look around then when she looked down at me she freaked out.

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