Chapter 15

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After all the hugs and thank yous, you all heard a scream.

"That must be Connor!" Mark said worriedly.

Anna then lets you go from the hug and starts to run towards the building with all of you following her behind. 

"Okay, so you all know what to do right? Whatever you guys do, make sure you all stay together. Don't leave anyone alone and please, do not mistake Kevin as Connor. He's good at manipulating people."

You all agreed. You, Mark and Shownu then started to follow Anna but Jinyoung took your hand making you face him. He stares into your eyes with worry.

"Babe, what's wrong?" you ask.

He pulls you in for a hug and places one hand around your waist, the other on your head. He whispers, "Please be careful Y/N. I can't lose you like this."

You pull your head out to see his watery eyes but still in his embrace. You let out a chuckle and wiped his tears with your thumb and said, "You do the same, okay?" You gave him a smile, then he placed a kiss on your forehead and started to catch up to the rest of the group.

You guys got in through the back and into a hallway. You can hear Connor grunting, saying to let him go as you guys creep down the hallway. You then got to the door and peeked inside. You can see them strapping Connor in the electric chair but where's Kevin?

"Okay, Kevin's not in there. I'll go and find him to finish him once and for all." Anna whispered. Shownu and Mark agreed to go with her.

Once Connor was strapped in the chair, the guys left the room. You and Jinyoung then entered the room quietly. You went to him and noticed his whole face was cut up. You both started to release him from the electric chair. He stayed sitting with his head in his hands. As you guys were about to leave, the doors were shut close.

"Oh, not again!" You said pushing on it.

As Jinyoung took your place to open door, you walked up to Connor asking if he was okay. He didn't say anything. His head was still in his hands. He started to laugh.

"Wow, you guys are so gullible."

"Huh?" You said.

"Finally, I have you guys were I need you. All alone, just the three of us."

You then noticed it wasn't Connor sitting in the chair, it was Kevin. You started to back away from him, bumping into Jinyoung. He turned around and saw Kevin get out of his seat.

"What do you even want from us?" you say holding Jinyoung behind you.

Kevin starts to walk towards the table full of weapons, dragging his finger across each and every one of them. You and Jinyoung just watch him. He picks up a dagger, looked at you both and said, "I've been waiting to use this one on you guys."

Jinyoung then got in front of you. Kevin smiled at Jinyoung's action.

"Cute. I love the way you protect Y/N like she is your life."

"Because she is." Jinyoung said.

"Then I should kill her first!"

Kevin then lunges at you with the dagger but missed since Jinyoung blocked it. He lunges at Jinyoung but Jinyoung took his wrist and twisted it, making Kevin drop the dagger. Jinyoung kicks it to the side so it's out of reach. Moments later, you see Jinyoung and Kevin punching each other, going head to head. You tried going after Kevin but he managed to pick you up and throw you across the room. Kevin then kicked Jinyoung in his stomach, making him fall to the ground. He screams in pain as his hand lands straight into a screw. You shed a tear seeing your husband in pain as he takes the screw out of his hand, making blood run down everywhere. You got up but as soon as you moved towards Jinyoung, Kevin then grabs a gun and points it at you.

"Don't move!"

You're crying with both hands in the air. "Please... don't shoot him."

The door opened up and 2 of Kevin's workers came walking in, holding on to you. Kevin then walks up to Jinyoung, picking him up and strapping him in the electric chair. He then turns the machine on.

"Let him go!" you yelled as you tried to escape from the man's grip.

"Y/N..." Jinyoung muffled under his breath. His head is hanging low and his eyes are shut, trying to keep them open. His hand is bleeding nonstop. He can't do anything since he's in so much pain. He then gets shocked from the chair.

"STOP! NOOO!" you scream from the top of your lungs.

You couldn't bare to see him in pain anymore. So you gave up. The worker lets go of you then your knees fell to the ground with your hands as well, holding you up.

"Just kill me instead..." you say as tears fall straight to the ground. You turned your head to look at Kevin and said, "Kill me... but you have to let him go."

Jinyoung lifted his head up slowly once he heard your words. "Y/N... don't."

"Come on, that's what you want right? To get rid of us? Just let me say my last goodbyes and then you can kill me."

Kevin gave it a thought. He then nods at his workers. "Take her to the cabin after 5 minuets." He then leaves.

As the worker unstraps Jinyoung from the electric chair, you ran to him as he falls from the chair, into your arms. You guys are on the floor. You then caress his head and place one hand on his cheek. As you stare at him still catching his breath from the pain, your eyes get more watery making the tears fall onto his cheeks. He manages to slightly open his eyes and noticed you. You took your hand off of his cheek, placing it on his hand that's now on your cheek.

"Y/N... you don't... have to do this."

You leaned into him, placing your forehead on his and whispered, "Don't worry baby. You're not gonna feel pain anymore, okay? After this, everything will be over. Just promise me you won't forget about me. And I'll do the same. Take good care of JJ and tell him that I'm sorry." Jinyoung starts to tear up. You then kissed your husband on the lips one last time and said, "I love you."

As those 3 words escaped from your lips, the 2 workers grabbed you, pulling you up making Jinyoung fall out of your arms and onto the ground. You tried to escape from their grip as they walk with you out of the room, leaving Jinyoung all alone.

"I'm so sorry Y/N..."

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