#44 You Get An Anxiety Attack

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Scott: You'd been dealing with a lot of stress and drama involving your friends lately. You'd been keeping it all to yourself, not wanting to bore Scott with the details, but he can tell something is up. "You wanna talk about it?" he asks you randomly one night. "Talk about what?" you ask, pretending to have no clue what he means. "I know things have been going on with your friends. They don't call or text as often, and when they do you're always in a bad mood after. So what's up?" You sigh. "Alright fine..." You begin telling him the story of all the nonsense that's been going on and find yourself letting go completely, crying and shouting in anger. Scott just sits and listens, knowing you need to get it all out. He doesn't budge until you start hyperventilating and having trouble breathing. Scott jumps up off the couch and secures your shoulders with his hands as you lean down to put your head between your knees. Once you've caught your breath, you look at Scott who brushes a gentle hand down the side of your face. "You alright, babe?" You nod and Scott gives you a small smile.

Stiles: You and Stiles are bickering about something pointless - again. You'd been doing that a lot lately, and it was really beginning to wear on you. After this particular fight, you hit your breaking point, locking yourself in the bathroom to cry. After crying hard enough for long enough, you start to feel nauseous and your chest feels tight. Your breathing picks up pace and Stiles is suddenly pounding on the door behind you asking if you're okay. You can't bring yourself to say anything and soon he's unlocking the door and pushing it open. He kneels down next to you on the floor. "Baby, baby, breathe. You're alright, the fight's over. Relax," he tries to soothe. You nod and lean into his chest, trying to take as deep of a breath as you can manage.

Derek: You're anxious about having to give a speech at your parents' anniversary party. You've always hated having to be the center of attention, but being their only child, this responsibility falls on your shoulders. As you're bustling around the house trying to get ready, rehearsing and mentally editing what you plan on saying, you feel a wave of dizziness hit you. You feel lightheaded, so you sit down on the side of the bed and stick your head between your knees. You break out into a sudden sweat, despite it being a nippy winter evening. Derek walks past the bedroom, but spots you through the doorway and stops. "You okay, baby? Is this about having to give that speech?" He steps closer and sees the sweat beading by your hairline at your neck. "Whoa, what's going on?" He kneels in front of you, running a hand over your shoulder until the symptoms pass and you come back around. He flashes you one of his fantastic smiles and your nerves begin to feel a bit better.

Parrish: You can't even pinpoint what brought it on, but all of a sudden you're feeling dizzy and your heart rate is accelerating. Scared of what's going on, you start to panic, causing the hyperventilating. Parrish hears your gasping breaths and comes running into the room. "Baby, what's wrong? Take it easy, you're okay." He rubs your back until you've calmed down a bit before leaving to fetch you a glass of water. "You feeling a little better now?" he asks as you sip. You nod your head just enough for him to know you're okay now. "Good, that really scared me," Parrish admits, wrapping you in his arms. "Scared me too," you tell him, wrapping your arms around his waist.

Isaac: "Just breathe, baby," he's telling you, a little more concern in his voice than usual, because this time he wasn't entirely sure as to what had caused the sudden pains in your chest, or the difficulty you were having with such a simple thing as breathing – something that would usually come as second-nature, but he was having to help with.  And he's asking you to breathe with him, and he's sitting just as patiently as he would any other time this sort of thing happened; just sitting there and breathing with you, in through your nose and out through your mouth, as he tried to calm you. And you're not really sure if it's helping at first, but when you tell him this, he just insists that you keep doing it, because it's usually the only thing that helps calm you and if it didn't work this time he wasn't sure what he was going to do.  He was scared, you could see it in his eyes, but you were doing your best to ignore it, and instead focus on his deep breaths and his soft hand gliding across your back as he tried to soothe you.

Liam: "Shh," he's hushing you, doing anything he can to calm you down, and to make the tingling in your hands go away and the pains in your chest subside. And it seems to be working, at least a little, because he'd notice your hands still and no longer shake, and the colour return to your face – although you were still a little too pale for his liking –; and maybe if you focused hard enough you'd be able to respond to him when he asked what had you so anxious, but you weren't able to put that much effort into concentrating at the moment, because you'd just find your thoughts turning back to those of panic rather than the collected ones that you'd rather.  And he's a little worried, to be honest, about how this will all turn out. And it wasn't like he was not used to these sorts of things taking place, - because he was used to it, perhaps even more so than he would have preferred -, but he was afraid that maybe one day he wouldn't be there to help you when it happened, and maybe one day you'd get hurt because of that.  

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