#24 First Date

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Scott: "Come in!" Scott shouted from his kitchen.

As soon as you stepped inside his house, you could smell the smoke. But now that you were actually seeing it coming out from the stove in black clouds, you were really worried. "Oh my God! Scott! Get away from there!" you screamed from a distance. Scott stood there, fanning the puffs of carbon monoxide with a dish rag and turning towards you with a soot-dirtied face.

"No," he coughed, "It's fine babe, really."

You watched in horror, wondering what in the world happened. The ceiling was soon turned into an ashy mess as well as some of the kitchen decor. And on top of all of the chaos, the smoke detector was going off with droning, continuous beeps. "Scott, no! You could get sick from smoke inhalation! I'm calling the fire department!" you screamed over the smoke detector.

"No, Y/N! I said it's fine!" He shouted back. He started to violently fan the smoke, causing it to spread farther past the kitchen and into your nostrils. You coughed your brains out before blindly walking into the growing cloud. "Can you hand me that cup?!"

You searched frantically for the cup, and then you found it. It was a small cup filled with water, but you prayed it would do something. And it did.

As soon as Scott dashed it into the oven, the entire kitchen appliance was engulfed with flames! Heat radiated over towards you, and it almost felt like burns. In fear, you ran backwards, pulling Scott away from the flaming device. "Call 911, call 911!" Scott screamed at the top of his lungs.

Your eyes widened in fear as you groped your pockets for your phone, hoping that Scott didn't inhale too much smoke when he was screaming. Your fingers scrambled over the buttons as Scott violently tugged you out of his front door and away from harm...

The sun was starting to set, and your eyes fluttered sleepily a bit when you sighed and leaned back on your elbows. The grass was tickling your bare legs, and you were sure that your summer dress was stained beyond repair as you watched the firefighters walk in and out of Scott's chaotic home.

"This is so stupid," Scott murmured, running the towelette that the firefighter supplied him over his face. "Some date, right?"

A smile crept onto your face when you noticed that Scott's quiff was disheveled and his large hands were still dark from the ashes.

"You almost burned down your house, and you're worried about our date?" you asked, incredulous.

"Yeah..." His gaze fell from yours and he dropped the towel in his lap with a sigh. "It's just this feeling that I get that I can't quite explain. Whenever you want to do something, I always feel the need to do it right, perfect, and impress you. I swear that I always end up looking like a fool."

"Scott... Please don't feel bad. I mean, you should buy your mom a new stove and oven," you paused to watched his dimpled smile appear and hear his raspy chuckle. "But I don't care about what happened. It's the fact that you care so much that means a lot to me."

Without another word, he placed a hand over one of yours and then leaned slightly to kiss you. But before such a thing could happen, a pair of large boots stomped in front of you. "Excuse me?" A voice said above you. The two of you averted your eyes to meet the stare of a fireman.

"Yes?" Harry asked.

"We found a, um, board of wood in your stove. Care to explain?"

You widened your eyes at the fireman and then turned to Scott, afraid that he'd be accused of arson if he didn't explain properly.

"Um, I-I thought that it would be nice to smoke the ham for Y/N," Scott admitted with a blush.

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